
Honestly, this person has delusions about their life. You can just tell.

Thank you for that Note From Your Boner. Feel better now?

This really has very little to do with Jennifer being "pretty enough" or self-esteem. Her jerk ex-husband wanted to justify his infidelity so he didn't have to take responsibility for his actions. So he tried to blame it on his wife's looks. He might as well blamed it on her cooking or the sun or magical unicorns

Hahahahaha this made me so happy in the midst of all of the outrage

Grab your ovaries and come out with a real statement, or, hell, a retraction if necessary. This - this is bargaining. And it is pathetic. Jessica, I respect that your job is difficult. You're representing feminism to a broad audience. Do us all a favor: stand up straight and speak clearly. I have tremendous faith in


Nope, you are completely wrong.

I thought we were already supposed to be afraid to wear our hair in a ponytail because rapists will grab you by it.

You are hereby cordially invited to get the fuck over yourself. As others have stated in this thread, if a naked tit is causing you anguish, then you need to find yourself some actual problems.

I have a lot of thoughts in response to this. Most of them start with "f" and end with "you".

Oh boy, there it is. "...breastfeeding in front of God and everyone." Now your little diatribe makes sense.

Wow, you're such a prude. If an exposed breast which is feeding a baby bothers you that much I would recommend you seek therapy. You've internalised the patriarchal assumptions about women's bodies to an extent that it clearly appears to be effecting your very day life.

Sorry, Scientology, what was that you were saying about untrustworthy lunatics?

Clearly the Journal of Consumer Research did not score anywhere near as well as I did at the Shopbop sale this week.

I beg to differ, the brief fleeting moments of happiness I get from spending money is about all I have left anymore.

Coupled with the fact I have very little money to spend considering I am unemployed and frankly if I didn't have money to spend i'd be washing my Zoloft down with Jack Daniels and praying for a long

So if you just like buying things, it won't make you lonely.

Short & sweet. If said dude making the advance wont take a simple NO. You have every right to twist the knife.
“When a man says no in this culture, it’s the end of the discussion. When a woman says no, it’s the beginning of a negotiation.” – Gavin De Becker