
Why are you even here?

Yes, some women actually do things to please themselves. Imagine that. There are all sorts of reasons why women wear the things they wear and do the things they do. None of them having anything to do with you. Deal with it.

Apparently, men want women who are bulimic.

Why would anyone want to attract you in the first place? I'm all about the "feminine presentation" myself, but I'd pray for my leg hair to grow out if I was ever around you. You sound like a massive asshole.

Ugh, just go away.

You don't sound desirable at all. You sound more like a control freak who's a bit of an asshole. I do all the maintenance things you mentioned because I like to. The guy I'm seeing loves my "silky legs" and my pretty clothes, but he's also seen me looking like ass and didn't want me any less. Sometimes he wears

Speaking of dogs, remember when some actor (James Woods?) explained that everyone wants a younger woman because duh, no one wants an old dog, everyone wants a puppy! Yeah, dudes like this actually do think of women as something like pets or cars or electronics.

I saw little bits of Gia's appearances on the Bachelor and she seemed so sweet and so fragile. I hope she's at peace.

I loathe Piper and pretty much everyone I know hates her too.
She's the only weak link in a really great show. (Well, her and her fiancée and her bitch of a friend).

That woman needs to be serving some kind of penalty for criminal idiocy causing death, not given a wider platform.

Yes. I mean, there's no way to read it other than "I'm totally disingenuous" or "I'm really, really stupid".

Is it Voldemort?

My hair is getting crazy long. I was going to get it cut on the weekend but now I'm thinking I should keep growing it out. It's pretty and I'm broke.

This whole mess is exactly what I hate about the Internet.

You're not really a feminist if you expect the man to pay. You also seem to be confusing dating with prostitution.

Wait, so a woman is either "equal" or a "lady"? What is a "lady" anyway? You've used the word like fifteen times in one paragraph. Women are just women.

I'm currently dating and it varies from date to date and guy to guy. Sometimes it's a coffee date and we each get our own, sometimes it's an expensive dinner and I insist, sometimes it's drinks and finger food and we split it down the middle, sometimes he reaches for the bill and I offer to split it, sometimes I say

Switch sides with your beloved?
I have this problem too. I can't sleep on my left. My Mom can't sleep on her right.

Piper is the one I hate. I think she's an awful, awful human being.

Gawd, how stinkin' cute are they?