

NBC has the worst announcers ive ever heard. their commentary during hockey games is unbearable

Shark Navigator Lift-Away Upright Vacuum NV352

Shark Navigator Lift-Away Upright Vacuum NV352

“Relax, I’m a professional.”

Seriously, tell her to call me back.

Thank you for your continued existence, thank you for addressing this issue and I would thank you to tell Jason to stop calling my sister! Also that swim trunks are required in the pool area.

Pay attention men: Women do not like it when you send your donger to their cell phone. They end up blocking it every time.

Well, I care.

We will never regret accurately reporting sports news.

When people call the NHL a Mom and Pop league I didn’t realize it was because they’re not letting us go out with our friends on school nights.


NASCAR has become “Who’s line is it anyway?” The rules are just made up, and the points don’t really matter.

Bear Richard Kimble is a good bear. Human is a poor Tommy Lee Jones substitute.

Jesus’s a goddam dragster...line it up straight before you mash the throttle....

A chicken bone walks into Aybar.

I send them to my wife as a joke when I’m lying in bed next to her and she’s reading on her phone.

If this series doesn’t win a Pulitzer then I’ve totally lost faith in the process.