
10 billionth and 1

I wish that the other Yakuza games had actual magazines in the stands like the first one did. I remember being able to flip through the magazines in that game. I understand, though. They let you look at a lot of magazine covers in the 5th one, but it would’ve been nice.

I thought it was supposed to be modeled off of 7-11. The more you know....

Ditto. I had sold my PS4, but bought it back specifically for Yakuza 4.

4 is on a disc if you want a physical copy.

I’m not completely sure I’d call it a sign of it’s demise just yet. Nintendo simply HAS to show up this year even if they don’t want to. To not show up before the release of their new console would be really, really dumb. Not showing up to continue to promote it and games for it in subsequent years would also be dumb

Still never understood this. Videos with copyrighted songs = NO. Youtube videos that are only audio that are copyrighted songs and/or full albums of them = YES. Doesn’t make sense to me. It also doesn’t make sense to me that anyone would go to youtube specifically to listen to music, but I guess you get by with what

Ever seen Air Guitar Nation before?

Instead of the usual 3 and a half. Many were quoted as saying “Not bad. Not bad at all. I expected much worse.”

But shitty drivers shouldn’t be.

I remember Dallas getting an inch of snow and it being nothing like this. I’ve driven in DC more than enough times and can verify the shittiness of the drivers there. I used to think Houston was bad until I went to DC. I still think LA has the worst traffic, though.

Was just about to mention Nuts and Bolts. I guess they had a great idea on their hands, but marketed it to the wrong audience.

Is there a guy nodding his head in disapproval in the corner of the room as well?

I would give my left testicle to get a Kei car sold over here. Someone do it. Please.

I like the environments, but I’m not really feeling the character models. Something about Snake’s facial structure and the body of Gray Fox is throwing me off. Best of luck to them, though. This can’t be easy.

At the very least, the collection displayed is fantastic. That jacket is freaking awesome.

Joke’s on you. We already drafted him to start next year.

So I’ll give it to the outfit itself being kinda hot for bedroom cosplay, but the infatuation with schoolgirls in Japan is really quite disturbing or am I the only one who thinks that? Schoolgirl cafes are a little weird. That whole thing in Initial D where an older man showers a high school girl with stuff for her

The Civic design came to fruitition, though. I’m surprised as anyone that I kind of want a Civic again.

Are we declaring it a win based on the fact that it doesn’t look like an Acura? Because if that’s the case,then yes, it is a win. At the very least it shows that Acura is willing to take chances and step out of this garbage design bubble they’ve been in these past few generations and that’s something I can get with. I