the author here is trying to provide a narrative but it isn’t really the whole story they are leaving out plenty to make it seem more outrageous.
the author here is trying to provide a narrative but it isn’t really the whole story they are leaving out plenty to make it seem more outrageous.
I’ve been playing around with a Dreamcast emulator for the past couple months to explore that weird, insane game catalog that I completely missed, and there are some amazingly unique game styles that kind of died there and should be revived - Crazy Taxi, Power Stone, Jet Set Radio, and more. So much vibrant creativity…
Yes to all of that! I can’t tell you the amount of money I spent on GBAs, DSs, and 3DSs. I will do the same thing with the Switch! Nintendo. C’mon. TAKE MY MONEY! haha
That was one of the most clumsy and awkwardly put together trailers I’ve seen. So many weird cuts and transitions.
Came here to say this. Nice work. By the way, my second-grade teacher Mrs. Porter claimed that you were her great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather. Confirm or deny?
Well, congrats to him then. :)
That’s funny that you say Metal Man’s stage gave you issues. For me that one was easy and Heat Man and Quick Man’s levels were impossible. I’m not talking trash or saying “get gud bruh”. Just funny how different stages give different people fits.
I don’t see why you would be considered a cheater. It was an official peripheral and didn’t require any special attachments to work. Hell it was made by Nintendo.
I had one too. It made all the difference in the world when you were playing Track and Field II.
It was more comfy to hold and the turnbo buttons were thumb savers on a lot of old games, but that D Pad was terrible. If they made a NES Max with the cross D Pad it would have been perfect.
That stood out to me too, it’s sim-bee-oat
gintama was the anime that did this when they came back after promising being off the air for good.
I’m sorry, did liberals start measuring success in “number of homeless people per city block”?
The same can be said of plenty of industries. Music, books, and on and on and on.
Not a chance. The top four all finished very close, and even Witt would have had a shot. Harding still wouldnt have medaled even without her short program disaster, and she was technically stronger than Kwan at that point. Shit was COMPETITIVE back then.
Nah, she would not have medaled at the ‘94 Olympics. She did go to Worlds that year since neither Tonya nor Nancy went, and I distinctly remember all the pressure on her just to finish top 10 to qualify two American ladies skaters for the following year’s Worlds. Which she just barely did! She was great, but like 8th…
Certainly on an individual level, it can and does exist, and in your case is inverted. There are jobs where a man and woman provide identical levels of employment where there is a discrepancy in wage. But the way it is advertised 77 cents on the dollar is where the myth is. That number is simply all the hours worked…
It’s not a myth, just misinterpreted.
As I said. Suicide is a very impulsive act. Limiting gun access would lower suicide rates. Guns are very efficient and quite decisive. Lowering the amount of guns in the population would not stop suicide, but it would definitely lower suicide rates. Just putting up safety nets at bridges has shown to have an impact.…