
Absolutely cannot get past the music at all. Possibly a much better trailer with an orchestra behind it.

I really think Prince of Persia was highly underrated. I know it got good scores, but it seemed like it was very overlooked. The first time I saw that trailer I was sold on it. Even bought the special edition. I hadn’t played Uncharted before so the prince wasn’t an issue for me, and I actually liked that Elika would

Please help me increase the value of my Accord with 260k miles on it. Thanks.

Is anyone else still reading EDGE magazine? It’s the only magazine I pick up to browse through at Barnes and Noble (kind of a habit I picked up from my dad back in the day). I mostly like it for it’s in depth and behind the scenes developer stuff, but the reviews aren’t bad and the writing is still probably better

Would give up my 1st born for a kei car.

Why does Kiryu look so young in 6?

It’s a goddamn shame that Yakuza doesn’t get the same respect over here. It freaking sold better than MGS. Even barely that’s still amazing.

Totally going to drive my girlfriend in one of those....


I remember John Ricciardi from EGM. Good to know he’s doing well.

So Square/Enix is going to release KHIII and FFXV and FFVII as their next in house games? I really hope these are all good because if not, I don’t see how Square will recover the massive amount of money they are spending on development and marketing. I’d play KHIII if they didn’t make it seem like all the side stories

Was never quite sure why they have seats that close in the first place. Hope she’s ok.

There are many comments sections that make me upset. This one makes me the most upset. Thanks for the comment, though. I’m with you there. NES + 2 controllers + AV cables (ahead of it’s time, I might add) + Super Mario Bros for $149 I think. 1986 or 1987 or so from what I can remember.

Steve Francis not using drugs, just looking completely normal

Way dooown in the jungle

Has anyone made a John Cena one yet? I love that intro music.

Work your magic again for Yakuza 6. Thanks.

I’ll be watching the rage when the first one comes out from afar with a bucket of popcorn. If FF XV is bad, I can’t imagine how people are going to react before the first VII episode even comes out.

Wait, so did you 100%? I can’t even imagine doing so.

Totally forgot about this. I was super surprised when they brought the Yakuza 1/2 pack to the Wii U in Japan, but I guess it speaks to the series’ popularity. I have doubts about going back to play it again should it ever come out here (which I am guessing is not bloody likely). HE SLAPS HARUKA! Did that happen in the