
"It's enough to turn a tamma DURN DAT!"

Sayreville's star player is Myles Hartsfield, who has committed to play for Penn State next year.

As a sophomore on my varsity football team, our star running back and one of our offensive linemen held me down and tried to force me to touch the RB's unusually large penis while we were alone in a cabin at football camp.

the Todd Gurley non-scandal

Is this different from the Manziel case? If not, I'm interested to see how the NCAA tries to justify treating Gurley much more harslhy than it treated Manziel.

"You're really trying to get me fired, aren't you?"

After this aired it was announced that South Park will be suspended for three weeks.

Look at the guy's hair. Of course he has a sidepiece.

Update: Mike Tyson Elected Mayor of Toronto

I seriously love that it's actually possible Goodell will actually be fired for this.

It's the year 2014 and TMZ has more credibility than the NFL. Well done Roger.

never mind it looks like he only meant Baltimore games. Reading is hard. My apologies.

The only way I'm going to an NFL game is if I can bring my "Roger Goodell is Ray Rice's Left Hand" sign to the game.

Its actually Ray Albers, apparently:

"So we figured, hey, let's draw attention to racial inequalities in America by walking hand-in-hand out from this inflatable thing with a purple injun on it."

So, Whisper, the secret sharing app can:

$5500 for a football into the stands? Geno Smith will barely break even this year if he's the starter.

You know what I like about this story? It just reads Rep. Curt Clawson and not Republican or Democrat Curt Clawson. Because it doesn't matter. This guy is pure idiot no matter which party he's affiliated with.