
What, are you a cop?

Thank you! In trying to play the kick video and some dude is talking.  Like wtf

I mean, that’s kind of the point of her trying out, right? The point the article is trying to make is to shut the fuck up and let her prove herself.

Chris Paul ALSO kicked out on his shot that he got T’d up for. They do this on purpose, and rewarding them for it is ridiculous.

you’re a god damn savage.

Missing the new Coros Pace and Apex watches. Incredible value for what they pack in there.

Missing the new Coros Pace and Apex watches. Incredible value for what they pack in there.

Steph Curry style moves

No chance. Conor is going to knock him out. Guaranteed.


She picks Garrett ya’ll.

I’m also not seeing it. Hmm...

I’m also not seeing it. Hmm...

It’s genuinely unimpressive to me see Lebron score 51, playing for a team that has almost no support. Yes, 51 is a big number. Neat. The Warriors (and everyone else’s game plan) is to essentially let Lebron do what he wants, but just stop ANYONE else from having a big game. To pretend otherwise is just disingenuous to

Was it seriously 500-1?!

they better.

True, but if you can verify the levels of testosterone in her body are natural, then it is the same thing.

Exactly. It’s like setting an arbitrary height limit for basketball players at 6 foot. Any taller, and you can’t play. It’s not fair to us short people.

It looked like goaltending?

So you missed the replays where he didn’t touch the ball as it went out?