
The lowest point of his life was in January 2008.

“Battleship” is really one of the best nicknames ever for an enormous Kentuckian.

On the Universal Regret Spectrum, where would you rank this purchase between “I should’ve paid the extra $.50 for a large” and “That was a chick, right?”

it’s still surprising that Schefter didn’t seek a second opinion before running with it.

Great job Adam, 1.5 thumbs up

Actually with the recent trend of spoiling entire movies because they need to put out 3 trailers, 30 second ads, and specials I’ve sort of adopted a very counter-culture 1 trailer and I’m done approach (unless the original trailer is just to vague). I’ve noticed it on a few movies now where I basically know the whole

There is a wisdom that is woe; but there is a woe that is

Holy butthurt Batman...

Not gonna lie that last shot of his Joker was pretty damn cool.

Sure. The point of the MLE is in the third word, “exception.” It is an exception to the normal rules of doing business. If you’re under the cap you rarely need to use an exception, you can just sign dudes, hence it being the lowest. That being said, the luxury tax is supposed to be punitive. You’re not supposed to go

There have been a lot of people making classless jokes about this whole mess, but who are you to judge? I say they’ve got a right to make a point.

Unfortunately, it appears the person just took a photo of the scheduling board outside the OR, which many people walk by all day, rather than logged in to JPP’s medical file on the computer. The second photo is from the case schedule in the pre op area, also open to many people. Unless there’s metadata on the photo he

You have just described Keith Olbermann. Who I do find interesting.

I don’t know about “prick”. Is he ambitious as hell? Yup. He definitely doesn’t take criticism well. While he certainly has shown he has a healthy ego, he doesn’t let it get in the way of his duties at Grantland. A truly insecure egomaniac would surround himself with yes men and mere imitators of himself. Instead he’s

While you’re right about the style, I never get people’s need to continue to hold up folks like Simmons. He may have “invented” the style. But he is not even close to being the best at it anymore. There are MANY people who employ that style, who are better writers, who are smarter writers than Simmons.
Just because Les

To his credit, he spoke the language of the 18-25 year old. When he was starting out it was enjoyable, here was a writer whose joy of sports was clearly evident and he liked to argue for arguments sake. His style was fun.

Dion Waiters approves of this post lol

“Shrimp grits...”

That’s the stuff.

The fact that he did it while mountain biking and slamming a Mountain Dew, though, THAT was extreme!