
@sackboy: Make video games. And I am.

@CommentatorHatman: Reading the article is not required to effectively comment.

@Evilsoda: These people don't play games. Just FarmVille

MCR in a metal post.

Never played this game, but the guy with white hair looks cooler than the dark haired crackhead looking dude.

Someone get FarmVille on this list!

He shall feel the true power of the nerd rage, and quake under our highly accurate mouse and keyboard.

@zgreenwell: It will cost $200 000 to develop the game in 5 weeks (instead of the millions for APB over 5 years), and they'll start making that much *a day* within months, which they'll then spend on making improvements to the game and buying boats.

Don't blame the parents, blame the game.

@Xerran: Those long string of words are scary and stink of terrorism. Blacklist time.

@ssh83: All authentication is done through bnet. You dont even need a get the game on ur comp.

@ArmoredCavalry: Unfortunately for you Steam is the 800 pound gorilla of Direct to Download games, so you are going to miss out on a lot of these opportunities...

Link doesn't work. I want to get my infidel on!

The Columbine kids went bowling before the murders. Any fun activity is an escape from the horrors of reality. Escape is all that's necessary- sometimes kids kill.

@puzl: Ho ho ho ba-zing

I lol'd at shitbag