Looks like this game is victim to a dead business model. ExRTW is completely right, senior management thought they were still in the 90's, and the brilliant people working for them are the ones that paid for their hubris.
Looks like this game is victim to a dead business model. ExRTW is completely right, senior management thought they were still in the 90's, and the brilliant people working for them are the ones that paid for their hubris.
@TestZero: Strawberry rush ftw
@Sterling Archer: or a 360...
@The_Geb: mmmm warez. Those were the good ol days
Buffering makes me sad.
@Gameslaya: Dr. Twinkletits. We meet again!
@TaliZorah: This comment earns a banana sticker!
@Vonhert: But I got my 3 'racks Marine/Marauder rush on lock. SCV's to 10 supply, throw down a supply depot, scvs til 14, 1st barracks, pump out marine/scvs/supply depot and throw 2 more 'racks down. Tech up, pump out marauders, rush like a pro.
@Inkiw: Alpha Centauri really is the best of the series though.
@RockyRan: I will not start flamewar I will not start flamewar I will not start flamewar.
Im just going to stop complaining about the length of Tim Rogers articles. I dont know why Kotaku keeps posting them. Nobody reads them. Or they get 5 paragraphs in, start scrolling to see how much more there is, realize itd take less time to read the Old Testament, then complain about the length of the article.
@darkboy1200: Yes, children everywhere should be able to play this game!
@Goldwings: Leather belt?
@iamKitKatBar: So then I played SC2, got pwned by AI, gave up and played Pot Farm on Facebook...
@josh6135: "Undercover" was supposed to be MW2, but they failed. Failed so miserably. Failed so totally, and unforgivably.
@Sam fisher's a aimbot: I lol'd. Picard ftw.
I tried playing Shift again for the first time in a long time a while ago. Raced against AI, got bored, so I jumped online, and it crashed.
Alls well that ends well. Im glad you avoided wiferage.
Awesome. Another game developer blog!