
@h445: You should play World in Conflict. Its like the movie Red Dawn, with nukes.

The player of this screen shot is noob. 4 collosi and no supporting zealot/stalkers.

@Elliott Coward: Raptr is better, but way too much work to personalize the account. Its like they literally pumped as many "social media" features as possible.

mmmm the possibilities!

@ninjaDance: So lets say its a 2v2 and someone leaves. It becomes 2v1. This makes it unfair for the 1 person left, and has a high chance of their match being ruined because its not fun being ganged up on. Not to mention its harder for the other team to find someone to shoot, making it more running around, less

@ArmyofJuan: First of all, everyone knows moss-rocks have awesome wifi connections. Second of all, why would I lie.

This game was released? I thought it was still in development rofl. Way to market Capcom!

@Aaron Jackson: Is the Gawker Media blog they *don't* advertise...

Whoops, thought I was on fleshbot for a second there...o_O

I clicked on this link. Because the picture had made my life complete.

@sabrage: You do realize its Starcraft 2 right? This isn't My Little Pony: The Search for more Cuteness add-on with 3 new shades of pink and a donkey named Chester.

@cassiebearRAWR: Why make potentially unsuccessful new IP when you have 3 IP's that you can pump enough money into to make successful?

Now playing

Watch this video. Learn. Enjoy Starcraft a bit more :)


@Heturi: Actually its like the album only had 5 tracks, but then they kept making songs and instead of releasing a new album for the full price they added it to the old album FOR FREE.

Bad timing though. SC2 ftw.

I had just moved from my hometown to a place I had no desire to live in. My lack of social skills were parried by many a matches of Starcraft