Go to YouTube and start watching SC2 tutorials by HD or HuskyStarcraft.
Go to YouTube and start watching SC2 tutorials by HD or HuskyStarcraft.
@Luke Plunkett: Its true, I didn't read the article. I skimmed, saw videos for not WiC, then complained.
@mizeriq: First of all, Axe Cop is awesome and we all know it.
@ArmoredCavalry: The single player was good because it acted as a tutorial for the multiplayer. Each mission would concentrate on a certain kind of unit or TA, which would allow you to learn a lot more than just getting ruled in multiplayer
@DocSeuss: Triple nukes.
@DocSeuss: Thank god, I thought I was the only one o_O.
Where's World in Conflict? You know, the unappreciated RTS that turned the genre on its head?
Pot Farm (its like farmville... only with pot)
@MrNose: TheOmnitron likes this.
Now, if this was called SLURM, I'd be buying by the crate.
Hitler finds out about the Vuvezela
The one chick is so hot.
@Senics: I do know ppl there, used to work at Blackbox, Probably wont be able to get the good covers- if theyre even stocked theyll be the first to go.
I live in Vancouver.
@TheOmnitron: Well, I better not speak too soon. This comment thread is banhammerable under section 8, paragraph 2, line 3: Thou shalt not be a tool.
@TheOmnitron: Nope.
Did I get banned?
Lol. This is unsurprising. And lol.
@Resuriko: 3 was the best imo, its a good one to get used to- but V should be the awesomest thing to ever be awesome.
Thatll teach you to f@#% with Edna.