
@jimpower05: They release content as soon as possible- bugs and all. Basically they ship the minimum viable product, and then start looking at the statistics of how people play the game. They use this data to see what players like/dislike, where to improve and what to cut. Its a better strategy than polishing a

@jimpower05: They release content as soon as possible- bugs and all. Basically they ship the minimum viable product, and then start looking at the statistics of how people play the game. They use this data to see what players like/dislike, where to improve and what to cut. Its a better strategy than polishing a

John Carmack is my hero. He took a break from game development a few years back to start an aerospace company (making freaking spaceships) before coming back to his "day job". Probably the best part though is the fact that he's still programming everyday, not going into a management position like most people at his

The guys from Runic really gives a lot of hope for indie developers. This was 15 people making a game, knowing full well theres a 90% chance the game will make no money. But these guys pulled it off, made a great game, and now have a "real" studio.

@richard.hammans: Plants Vs. Zombies, I think it won best mobile game... but that may have be Spider: the Secret of Bryce Manor.

@8thR: Uncharted won everything. It was dumb.

I get why everyone hates Zynga. Its easy to do, being a hardcore gaming audience that Zynga games don't really tailor to. But you have to understand that the face of game development is changing.

@DemanRisu: I know, it clearly said GlaDos on the BSOD. I was there, and Im not an idiot.

It was awesome, he was about to talk about episode 3 at his acceptance speech, but the computer running his powerpoint presentation BSoD'ed. It was halarious!

Cheers to the self-righteous PC users! We stuck with our superior gaming platform, even with the nay-sayers and usurpers denying our right to superior technology. No more I say! Now you will feel the wrath of indignant PC gamers. Rise, my brethren, and reclaim your mantle of gaming awesomisity!

@Ninja Tree: If this was NHL 10 you'd be right...

I've never seen this show, but I can tell you for a fact it has nothing to do with what a real tester does.

Man all these FPS games look the same. They should just combine them into one giant Call of Battlefield: Operation SOCOM.

But remember folks, Kotick wants you all to know that Activision is not an evil empire.


At least its a well rendered lighter....

I've confirmed with EA that the maps are definitely included on the disc, which means that purchasing a used copy of the game gives you a disc with content you can't access. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

@geiko: Woman? Everyone knows its a black man. Morgan Freeman has been God for years now.

@hbk0: Im pretty sure the only ones you can hear and communicate via headset is people in your squad (with a squad size of 4 people max, that can be randomly selected or consisting of your friends).

@DanBroChill: I never played this series, but wish I could. It's a cool enough premise. If this game was better, they'd probably up that fanbase.