
Oh God NO! My gaming schedule is already set through to next winter! How the hell am I going to cram this in??

@Komrade Kayce: Its not Harkonnen, and not the Atreides. It was the made-up one for the game. Which was an awesome game.

See "Project Ten Dollar" is kind of like the dollar store. They SAY everything for a dollar, but everything there is at least $2 or more. Project Ten Dollar is EA's 15 dollar Dollar Store.

@Eternalbl: Or the good folks from Monstanto that figured out how to make corn into anything!

@Jennacide: But you have to think- this is a survival situation. Sure, Francis may not be the best looking of the bunch, but his children would be strong and he would survive the longest in a zombie apocalypse.

Halo Reach is the best.

@Jotsy: Awesome incarnate. And he pulled it off.

Number 12!!

Now playing

It must be the force at hand- I've been watching the Star Wars trilogy the past couple days (there was only 3 star wars movies made, there was also 3 'movies' of george lucas jerkin it for 6 hours but we don't consider that canon.). Since coincidences are just the force manipulating events, then this must be saying

I hope theres a minigame when catching your kid, where you have to time the catches else drop the child.

@TheDeadTexan: You're missing the FUUUUUUUUUUUU- at the end. Then you could post it on digg and profit.

@elbigote: Socialism is for pussies. Hardcore communism is inevitable, the proletariat will rise and the people will overcome.

Some things should not be done. Some things were perfect, made so well they couldn't be remade, or sequelized.

@BigManMalone: And the most ignorant comment of the day goes to... BigManMalone!

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Todays shameless post is a two-in-one: First, a super chill song from the masters that are Electric Wizard; second, its put to opening scene of the 1991's chilling arthouse movie 'Begotten'.

@Brobama Tito Brohey the Third: Not to mention the fact that EA is comparing itself. JR said that he wants to be king of the shooter hill again...

@herogear: And deals like 'trade in 3 get a new game free' and $99 for an xbox + 4 used games has nothing do to with it. At all. Its all EA's fault for making *crappy* games, even though they had the most solid games of the past year.