@kelmc623: The problem is Gamestop will take brand new games and sell them for $5 less. That means Gamestop gets $55 dollars for a game they did nothing to make, while the developers lose 100% profit.
@kelmc623: The problem is Gamestop will take brand new games and sell them for $5 less. That means Gamestop gets $55 dollars for a game they did nothing to make, while the developers lose 100% profit.
Recently discovered Origin. These guys kick my ass in ways I didn't think possible. Just listen to that unstoppable drummer!
@MichaelPalin: Testers are used throughout the development process. And most of it isn't design feedback (you game lacks here) its bug reporting (the game crashes here).
@MichaelPalin: Franchises are industry standard now. New IP is scary to consumers, because they dont trust the game. Look at the units sold for Dead Space/Mirrors Edge/etc. The number just are not there.
@Stephen Johnson: Representing said MW generation, I just dont see the relevance of most of the names on the list. Yes, at the time they were changing the face of the industry, and yes, they may be inspiration to current developers.
Dan(i) Bunten (father of the multiplayer game), the D&D Creators and Sackson are good choices for such a list.
@businessbard: Please, the venus project? Id trust the CEO of Exxon to destroy money before the Venus project.
@AlKusanagi: Idiot, theres no oil in Australia. Besides, were not leaving the middle east until we conquer Islam.
@Somatoform: Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
@Showmeyomoves!: Your just realizing this now?
@Lovick: At least you get those 5000 point badges. That shit's straight up satisfying. Cuz you put in work for it, and the slaughter is rewarded.
As a Canadian, this article doesn't make much sense, which is why I skipped the original replacements article.
@PoweredByHentai: How do you make text [b]bold[/b]
William Shatner is spinning in his grave! He doesnt want Macbeth the video game. If anything they should be making the Bible: The Video Game. The gameplay may be dull but when God is the producer how can you say no?
@josh6135: Scientists have found that regular exercise can account to up to 20-50% of your daily mood. Basically, if you do cardio training (running/anything to get your heart rate up) three times a week, for at least 20 minutes per session, the results will be the same as a prozac prescription.
@NicolasCage: At least she'll be able to go on the water slide without the fear of getting stuck...
@(Starman) #number258: I eat a shit-ton of shitty foods, but work out 3 times a week consistently. And I can tell you, you need to eat healthy AND exercise to be teh sexeh.