
@scrapking: Sorry all. 7:30am and I hadnt had my coffee, which means I wasn't prepared to explain.

@gpy3: Commentor approved for correctly spelling Demon's Souls.

@DRM.HollyWood: Im just here to blow shit up. Thats my motivation. Cant blow shit up in MW, everything is indestructible. You cant even move the chairs. Why do I care about pwning noobs when I cant make the 'splode funnily?

+1 for the PC fanboys.

I usually dont do asian chicks.. cuz, you know... But I would definitely do that.

@liquid_kore: You should pick up the first, you can get it for like $20-30 now, which is well worth it.

@enochcainx256: You and me both. Fuck Activision. You no can has my $60 thank you very much.

@R0bster: I hated it. I think it was different and scared me, so I decided not to like it. Coming back to the game, I decided it was fairly awesome.

@Stymie99: Not to mention Kelly's Heroes is a badass movie.

@CCAF drlard: Confirms single-player campaign... finally. If you want gameplay footage go to the BF:BC2 website, and get your fix.

@theflux: Its not the ability to buy, its the fact that I dont have $300 laying around. Maybe I should check under the couch...

Too bad Ill never be able to play it. They say the game is accessible? Well, not if you only have an Xbox...

Each pokemon she owns represents one year she won't get laid.

She needs to take a vacation. She's paler than the underside of my arms...

Sue the fuckers.

Scariest movie I ever watch was probably Requiem for a Dream. May not be horror, but its damn depressing and pretty scary.

@The Forgetful Brain: Aight so if the political stuff is causing you grief with your gf, then continue trying to avoid it. When that fails, and you end up talking politics, dont try and convert her. As soon as that happens she'll become indignant and shut down, unable to accept a different point of view.