
@RockyRan: HAY! Stop raining on our parade. I dont care if science says I cant have 1080i vision. I dont care if its theoretically impossible to compare eyesight to screen resolution.

Can I has same video with Shift. Then a video comparing Shift to GT? I would include Forza, but they no has cockpit view.

@Placentasaurus: Release it more quickly? Im sorry, but if it takes this long to release Episode 3 then they have already failed that 'whole point'.

@Karlott: Play AC2, you will finish it. Its definitely worth $60. If you didnt finish AC1 because it got boring, I can assure thats a problem thats fixed with the sequel. If you think the best of the year is Batman, you owe yourself to play AC2.

People of Kotaku, calm yourselves, please. The Omnitron is here to tell you how things are going to play out:

@TickMan: I dont care for single-player anything. All I was defending was CoD4's multiplayer. And only because I was really good at it.

@TickMan: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. First of all, Die Hard 2 was a good movie, its just impossible to follow up the original Die Hard. You can rail against Die Hard 3: With a Samuel Jackson, or laugh at Die Hard 4: Bruce Willis is gettin old, but Die Hard 2 was a solid entry and a good follow up to a modern action

This article is aptly named, because it takes about a decade to read it.

@bluetom00: Bad time to graduate into this industry. Every job your going for has at least 5 people looking for the same job, recently laid off. Its not going to be easy to break in.

NHL 10 = best sports game. Ever. Forget that FIFA or NBA nonsense, NHL 10 is where the hotties at. C'mon Kotaku, I know your a sucker for the hotties.

@dragonfang18: Actually no, it does deserve the NFSW cuz my boss said if he catches me watching azn gladiator porn one more time he's firing my ass.

Looks like Gerstmann won. Giantbomb is pretty popular for such a new(ish) site. And Gamestop is pretty much the same, only with another competitor.

Zac Efron = Characterless white guy that wins because thats what middle america wants to see?


I hope AC2 takes it, but it'll be Uncharted 2.

Now playing

I played it until I needed a line peice. And the line peice never came. IT NEVER CAME!!

JR's whole philosophy is that high-quality games equate to profitability. And since he took over, the games EA publishes have been much better. And in his tenure he has swayed public opinion, with people no longer viewing EA as a money-grubbing, borg-like empire.

Please make this picture go away. Or at least put a bunch of articles up to put it below the fold. Its nasty.

@Jimbodawg: And thats the number one reason I cant WAIT for 2012.