@Diagnull: A good point, you need good acting in order to elicit an emotional response from the user. However, games of late have been pretty good at getting good voice acting, which is a hard thing to do.
@Diagnull: A good point, you need good acting in order to elicit an emotional response from the user. However, games of late have been pretty good at getting good voice acting, which is a hard thing to do.
My first reaction is an overwhelming yes. Video game culture has become desensitized to death, and killing, which has shaped the way video games are made. I think its time games start challenging their audiences moral code. And enemies surrendering is just the first step.
Yeah but what does it do?
@deanbmmv: Ive started playing, figuring out the basics. I suppose Im learning faster than the tutorial missions think, because the missions seem fairly easy. Its all about skill training and pimping out your ship. Right now I have a Caldari Merlin frigate, with 2 rocket launchers and 2 150 mm railguns, so far Ive…
@Squiffy: Submit to Americans? LOL, if anything we'll all be submitting to the Chinese. All they have to do is say 'Were not gonna make anymore of your shit' and we'll be 'You want fries with that?'... In mandarin.
This clip makes me happy I decided to try Eve Online instead. Very difficult, but the amount of content provided and the freedom to choose your type of gameplay is great.
Id take better care of myself if I was a giant blue cat. Until then, imma drink, smoke, snort, and inject anything I want.
@Crowbot: I dont get it. Maybe I had to much to drink. We'll let history, and Jesus, decide.
@AnimeCanuck: Its in the blood, no matter where you go, you will always be from Ontario. I was born in Hamilton- I will never fit in. But Im not meant to, none of us are. People from Ontario hold a special place in the world. We hold a mirror up to society and say LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE…
Just one more reason why Canada is awesome. Who needs 18 year olds when you got middle school students?
The odd thing about the 'problem' of a minority of women in games is that most of the time they [women] are usually in the more powerful positions, and [although I dont have metrics to support this] are often paid more than their male counter-parts.
Put NSFW in any headline: Profit.
@Golgari: Right of course, let me find that 2 grand I have lying around for an alienware computer. Let me check in-between the cushions on the couch, I must have a few hundred in there at least.
Im sold. If I can get Crysis at max setting with my computersaurus rex, Ill subscribe. The guy that wrote the book on video compression has just rewritten it, lets hope that this edition is as seamless as he claims it to be.
Tits in video games are like Morgan Freemans nose. Every new movie/game it gets bigger and bigger.
Holy crap, is that... Is that pedo-bear??
@Covertghost: Hmm, sounds a bit too awesome for EA though. Choose your own adventure novels were awesome though. They should bring the back.
@Chester Coat Sleaves: The only problem is America cannot take a stand against China. With the American economy limping along on life support, Obama has no way of standing up to the Chinese. They are becoming an uncontested super-power, and the Copenhagen deal was their first public display of that power.
Image 3 has nothing to do with video games, but I guess anything can be sold if its On a Boat.
The Chinese Government killed the Copenhagen talks earlier this month, turning it into a world-wide suicide pact. Has nothing to do with video game violence, but it is important. [www.guardian.co.uk]