@TrueCrime: Actually he said they took turns, alternating. And that his friends "tactics" werent Batmany enough.
@TrueCrime: Actually he said they took turns, alternating. And that his friends "tactics" werent Batmany enough.
Who is this matt cabral who doesnt seem to capitalize the first letters of his name. Theres something fishy going on in Kotaku Tower.
@auberondreaming: How was it misrepresented? She seemed to summarize the whole thing alright. The dudes main points are A) Batman doesnt get shot, cuz he's Batman, and B) the vast majority of video games don't have realistic enough violence... Realistic in the sense that you can get shot point blank by a machine gun,…
@[ZTF]Auspiciously Liminal: You sound like some sot of grammar nazi, enslaved to his own language, demanding that some words are better or more sophisticated-like than others. You seem to forget that English is a democracy- which means everyone is equal. So just because Pwn isn't the national registry doesn't mean it…
Lets do this again. Only sped up, with lots of double kicks. And instead of singing, scream the lyrics.
@Tacticalspoon: IVE GOT BALLS OF STEEL
Just because the team that has been developing DNF since the dawn of 3D graphics has been laid off, doesnt mean DNF is ever going to see the light of day.
@vaporlagg: If done successfully, they could become a Bioware-like company, mastering and defining a genre of games. And seeing how this is a new genre, they have a lot of creative freedom with what they do and how they present it.
Going to buy it jsut for the fact theyre *trying* something different. And who knows, they may pull off a dramatic user experience.
@Sustenance: Activision taking a chance? But, that doesn't guarantee money! See, Activisions problem is that it doesn't take a chance. It tries to placate every audience, and in doing so causes their game to suck becuase *nobody* likes.
This is a damn fine list of disappointments. For most of games featured here I was like "Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one that thought [Enter Game Here] was way overrated."
@Rampage: Ive spent nearly 4000 points in the last month or so. Hasnt really felt like spending $74.
@ThirzaLepidus: Why shudder at Canada? Ohhhh, you must not like the idea of free healthcare and more jobs.
This is fantastic news. But this doesnt mean were out of the woods yet. Consumers have tighter wallets now, and only top quality games are making money. We have to broaden the market and find new ways of monetization, only then will industry really start to open up.
@Variatas: Well the actual cold war managed to last for like 50 years, and nothing really happened. Im sure they'll be able to push more. Someone has to win the war, right? The Soviets are going to push for DC and try to secure the rest of the west coast, and the Americans need to stop the invasion and/or push through…
@reynoldswrap: Duke's in a coma, and his family is fighting over the inheritance money. One wants to pull the cord and reap what little profits are left, the other wants to block everything over the guilt of putting Duke in the coma.
@deanbmmv: The development process you refer to is called 'Agile' game development. Basically all the work required to finish the game is put in a backlog, and the devs take work from the backlog as user stories. A user story is a mechanic that the user interacts with, ex. As a User I can see the Crosshair. The devs…
@mergedwarrior: Alec Baldwin is pretty much the best narrator ever- The power and emotion he brought to his performance really drove the story home. That, and the awesome cutscenes.
@Sakilla: I can appreciate that sentiment, but if you were feel that way about every horrible thing you hear about, you'd be out of empathy by lunch. Our 'culture' desensitizes us to pain by mass producing it. Media, movies, games, it all (for the most part) communicates a seemingly endless wave of violence.
@halfthought: RTS is so crowded as a genre, I think EA should cut it and run. Between Relic, Blizzard, and (now) Ubisoft, the C&C series doesnt seem like its going to be able to compete.