
@cowfish13: World in Conflict is probably the best in the genre. Highly underrated game that takes C&C to the cleaners, WiC is superior to any in the genre in terms of art, balancing, and innovation.

@halfthought: Harsh review, but it certainly sounds accurate. The G4 comments aren't much better. Early estimations say this game is going to flop.

My boycott is still going strong. Bad Company 2 4 lyfe!

For me, 2009 brought boycotts (Still wont play MW2), surprisingly good games (Assassins Creed 2, Battlefield Heroes) and a few let-downs too (Brutal Legend wasn't as good as I was hoping)

We got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is your all fired. The good news is you have an extended Christmas holiday! Merry fucking Christmas, now get out.

@Kamiro: Which is why I'll never try it. Evony is a piece of crap spamming the entire internet. Whered they get the money to spam the internet like that? The owner of Evony is a known internet scammer, and I hear Evony has malware attached to it.

@wtffbryan: I try to be a realist when it comes to these things: It will not "beat" MW2. But Bad Company 2 will be better than MW2. The difference is subtle, but very real. The result of which means that the Battlefield franchise will take the leadership position in FPS.

Can I has uncensored plz?

@Mercsenary: Eve Online? I've always been intrigued, but have never actually tried it. Would you recommend it?

I hope instead of closing, they are just working on a different franchise- maybe some new IP for a different genre.

What will I do? What Ive always done. Smoke weed, play video games. When I get bored of one, do the other, its the circle of life without the inconvenience of socializing with other people.

@icarus212001: Hmm, it seems the Art of War is a lot like the bible, can be interpreted any way you like, so that its never wrong.

Im just sad that all those cheap plastic controllers are just going to end up in the pacific ocean. QQ for great pacific garbage patch ([])

See that guy in pic 2? Thatll be me, but this is the only time you'll actually see me... The next time you do you'll already be dead...

@Foddz: Ugh. There goes my hopes for Cities XL. I was actually looking forward to that game. But not enough to pay money. Id like to try it first.

Will not get laid off, will not get laid off, will not get laid off.

@Mercsenary: Hmm, I would choose BC2 then. Has a longer replay value (especially if your a FPS player).

I saw the picture and was like 'I hope its a city building MMO'. Instead I got a bunch of rocks. I wanted Age of Empires Online. They gave me Battleforge with rocks.

@exion: I always spammed tracer dart in BC1. May only be 6 points if a rocket hits them, but its worth it!