
Yeah, this review was such a whiff. Total swing and a miss. Sturgill put that song out as a single today, and it’s great.

Not to mention the mocking Rudy G side burn dye job and the Moondoggies in the closing credits.

Sturgill Simpson finally getting to lead a song is a bit of a Chekhov's Casting Gun, I suppose.

I say it to my household constantly and inappropriately.

I actually thought Olyphant was better in Santa Clarita Diet than he was as Raylan Givens.

Can you imagine filming the musical scene a few episodes ago with Goggins and that outfit and not cracking up?

I wonder how anybody in the cast can keep a straight face doing a scene with Goggins as Baby Billy. The makeup and overall look of his character alone would have me in stiches with the absurdity.

“Just roll that around your tongue now...”

I love that the Gemstone siblings started singing along in the silo.

I was going to say. I can’t believe they didn’t mention Sturgill. He’s actually been on the show a couple times now. 

Speaking of physical comedy, how about Kelvin’s somersault---that look like it HURT.

That was country singer Sturgill Simpson cameo-ing as a militiaman, leading a stirring rendition of The Gatlin Brothers’ “All the Gold in California”

I was just going to comment that! Such a small moment of physical comedy, and I laughed harder than I have all week.

I know everybody is going to point to the epic monster truck escape, but my favorite moment was Baby Billy showing up desperate to keep his sad game show funded, shoving the poor kid down the hallway and praying that his grift goes on.

It’s only 3.6 roentgens, but that’s as high as the meter goes.

The MPAA is really cracking down on “mild comic mischief” these days.

The MPAA is really cracking down on “mild comic mischief” these days.

Right, I’m aware of all that, I'm more questioning the premise of the show itself, that apparently this kind of abuse and manipulation exists as some kind of like, encouragement? The show’s message seems to be “being abused by a disgusting weirdo makes your art better” and I can’t imagine that’s ever been true. I

Kesha, Lindsay Lohan, Lady Gaga, Jessica Simpson, any of the Nickelodeon girls, etc. I think any teen star, especially from that aughts era were often victims of abuse, whether sexual or financial, and then vilified by the media for being “crazy” because of it.

I think this would be a valid point if other major shows got similar attention (I believe we’ve gotten a single article for The Bear), and that the coverage of The Idol didn’t boil down to hate-watching.

I remember the days when the AV Club had the balls, brains, and backbone to stop covering something that was shithouse.