
I hope you’re right. Season 1 was good-looking, well-written, and fun and these folks deserve not to just have their work thrown into an abyss.

My “secret” dressing recipe is inherited from my mom. It’s basically doctored Hidden Valley Ranch for potato salad (but also tasty on lettuce or as a dip).

The lack of body diversity in the images is rather swiftly explained by the lack of plus sized lingerie on sale. If you’re over a DD-cup or bigger than a 12, your options seem to be full-priced lingerie from Macy’s only.

The lack of body diversity in the images is rather swiftly explained by the lack of plus sized lingerie on sale. If

Don’t forget web trends like the jumping page scroll and pop-up ads that load when you’re like halfway through reading. So many publishers don’t seem to actually visit their own platforms. Who’s fault is it that CNN’s site looks and behaves like a 90's web page half the time? CNN’s. No one else’s.

Oh, gosh, that’s really not what I meant. I had intended to refer to the fact that people commonly have a hard time keeping the actions of a character separate from the IRL person that the actor is and that it gets worse when actors replicate scenes in real life. The last line seemed more jokey about it probably just

I would LOVE speed ranges on lanes. The left lane is a damn dangerous place for folks to park like some do. 

Do they even have a copy desk? So many “real news” organizations have canned all their copy editors and gotten rid of the desk. The NYT doesn’t even have one anymore, and ditching yours seems to be a prerequisite for any local paper Gannet acquires to turn into bland nothing and real estate ads disguised as articles--

Yeah, which he apparently fired her from the company for. Not that that gives any guarantees or anything, but he near-certainly did not edit the bio for her.

Good gods, how I wish all tabloids had the harmless inanity of Weekly World News.

Amen! Bullying or hiding desperately in a confessional does not a good journalist make. Journalists who sit on stories are not good journalists. Journalists who badger you into talking about something else besides the question you asked them are not good journalists and are even worse interview subjects.


Agreed! I love my little Plex server and when I get lost because I want to do something off the beaten path, like stream my audiobooks through it, there’s a really lovely robust and helpful community who’s always willing to help me do what can be done to improve my experience. 

I might be a white bitch and possibly a Reba despite trying, but I’m pretty sure this piece still holds up more than two years later. I suspect a lot of your writing holds up just as well. You’re good at what you do, dude.

Sorry I missed this. I didn’t know that and I had to google the insider trading thing. I can’t believe they did that and then doubled down on bovine dairy with the whole Canadian milk production standoff we got into kind of recently. Sometimes I think we should make running companies into the ground so irresponsibly a

You absolutely don’t have to talk to your kids about anything you don’t want to, but I’d suggest you be super careful about not talking to them (or not having someone you trust talk to them) about things that they are interested in, bothered by or are likely being exposed to without you (news events in particular),

I distinctly remember being told that when I was an adult I could drink all the chocolate milk I wanted. This whole thing makes me feel cheated.

Not really. The truth is we’ve been overproducing milk for a while now, and without Dean Foods cutting down their production, this was sort of bound to happen. May the Dairy

It’s a tough situation for a medical professional to navigate, because TI absolutely has MEANS compared to the middle class household you think of pulling this abusive nonsense and the people who say he’ll doctor shop until he gets one that will make the noises he wants are probably right. So the best we can really

I grew up in a troubled family and I know what you mean about fearing you’ll inflict some of your childhood on your children. There are some really good guidelines out there for your specific concern and how to provide a safe conversational place for your child to come to you with the hard stuff. The other little

I like to think the doctor takes the daughter into the other room and says, “Listen your dad is nuts and obsessed with a piece of anatomy that’s not at all what he thinks it is. So, we’re gonna have a normal check-up, you’re gonna let me know if you have any concerns I should report to state agencies, and Imma BS your

Thank you! Like, he’s so not allowed to have an opinion that a publisher gave him money to fill a book with his trash opinions! If he were a normal person, he’d have to settle for getting a free wordpress or shouting into the twitter void.