
This is why I think the WGA’s fight is important, and why the VFX is desperately in need of unionization. We need to restrict corporations from replacing people with cheap tools. But from what I’ve read so far, the A.I. intro was a creative choice, not a dictate from Bob Iger to avoid paying a VFX house a few extra

I’m pretty sure that was in California. The trouble is that they filmed those shows in Arkansas. I expect that the laws permit this, or at least are less protective of minor children there.

Something help me out here. How was that TLC contract legal? I was under the impression laws were changed after a number of high profile child actors had all their money taken by there parents. I thought TLC would have to pay each family member individually. And the fact that TLC didn't have to pay the kids once they

As a cat lady, I don’t get that. I can’t wait to get past the kitten stage. I mean, they are cute and all, but they are complete bastards until about 2 years old.

I always figured the mom had a baby fetish of sorts, like people with kittens. After a certain age they lose their appeal, pass em’ on to someone else and get another.

Ugh. Behind the Bastards did a pretty good episode on the Christian Dominionists that covered the Duggars’ sickening church. It was bad enough to listen to. Not sure I could watch it. Abuse aside, there’s nothing like encouraging people to have so many children so quickly that the seven year-old is essentially looking

Dear me, he is on a roll to become the most toxic person in the world. Someone should remind him that even with all his money he would need to rewrite the Constitution to become US president, so all this BS and dog whistles trying to appeal to far-right nutters (erm.. voters) is unlikely to bring him the power he

He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity.”

Honestly, I’d be surprised if Soros really even actively runs his investments. He pays people to make him money and if they don’t they will get fired. 

At this point in human evolution, if anything is eroding the fabric of civilization, a credible argument can be made saying that social media companies are doing precisely that. I’m trying to think of a pasty, self-absorbed, socially inept guy who owns one, but for some reason the name is escaping me...and I just had

When I ask them that they usually pull up some whataboutism or no true Scotsman or the logical fallacy of the week. or the “well not really but.. mumble mumble not on my team blah blah. ‘Merica!”

I never understand this kind of argument that “so-and-so hates humanity or america” or whatever. As with most of these insane talking points, they are easily unraveled with one follow-up question, that no interviewer ever asks: “Why?” Why do you think he wants to destroy civilization? Why do you think Democrats are

A strong argument can be made that Henry Ford was a shitty human who also benefitted society/America/whatever...I can’t quite get there with Tesla and Space-X, so Elon is just a shitty human with no redeeming qualities or production.

The cons. cannot handle the very existence of a liberal billionaire. No maga pol. cares how crazy right wing a billionaire is, but they fill their adult diapers at the very thought of a liberal rich person.

The best thing that could happen for every single one of Elmo's companies is for him to bite the dust. Because he's never going to shut up. 

Nah Henry Ford's cars stayed together and could be fixed by the common man. 

Fuck Musk, the sooner that POS fades into history, the better.

I will say it again: No person has done more to destroy their own companies than Musk. What a piece of shit. Glad I never bought one of his cars or use Twitter. And I hope Space-ex can be sold to someone else.

The right likes to call Soros a communist. For a communist, he sure is good at capitalism.

“Scarcity mindset” appears to be a quote from Morissette in the documentary itself. My guess is that it refers to a huge gender imbalance, perhaps just among artists in her genre, but probably also within all participants in the industry. She dealt with this by wearing a t-shirt and jeans, or “just being one of the