
I don’t work in HR, but I had the same suspicions that this wasn’t enough time. Thanks for confirming.

Dude, a lot of cacti reproduce and grow that fast, but not saguaros. They take 5-10 years to grow an inch tall. You may be weeding cacti, but you’re not weeding saguaros.

If they weren’t so stupid, they could have sold the cacti first to fund this bullshit.

Yup. This is exactly what I remember from the county fair as a kid. They’d just have a hot tub running in a 10 x 10 space. People didn’t really get in it, but a lot of folks stuck their hands in. Anyway, it’s not so much the getting in that got folks sick as the way that a hot tub will aspirate water.

They’re burying it but this breech includes SSN’s. 

I laughed so hard I want to like your comment twice. This shoe should be called the Trash80.

Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to make a sneaker with the design aesthetics of early 90's computers? Asking if this shoe is okay is a legit question.

Have you tried tart cherry juice for your gout? A friend of mine swears by it, says it breaks up the uric acid like nothing else. And that’s a man who loves his cured meats and cheese. 

Thank you for reminding me there are two brands in this and I should give the beyond burger a shot, and it’s the impossible burger I had a hard time eating. 

The title and the first paragraph made my eyes roll back so hard, and the GoT artists and I have a bunch of overlapping software. I pray if I ever work on something that gets popular that I won’t be written about like this. 

Because you don’t want to know anything about Huey, Dewey, and Louie’s mom?

Hi, Germain. In the fifth paragraph, it should be conscience not conscious. Autocorrect, voice type, and spellcheck are all sometimes very bad at guessing which one of the two you meant.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck should be actually reprimanded ever, because maybe then she wouldn’t be such a whiny, entitled snot. She isn’t worthy of licking Barbara’s shoes. Barbara didn’t start. It’s super cute how everyone keeps calling her a professional when she’s having a meltdown worthy of a four year old.
And yes, she

Hot take: Maybe the kind of designers who have time to be on a show like this just aren’t very good designers.

Minor correction-- Anna Strasberg was Drew Barrymore’s godmother, not grandmother. The People article doesn’t seem to actually mention her grandmother. 

Oh wow. How many people can say they’ve actually run while lying down? Thanks for sharing the cool info!

I think that’s only Catholics who are fully forbidden from onanism. 

This will be a lot more effective if directors, producers, and DPs sign on. They could still make a lot of stuff without any of these actors.

With you on this. It’s really common for people affected by a close loss to develop a new and closer relationship with someone in the unique position to understand and share their loss. I have two dear friends that only came into my life after the deaths of a friend and my brother.

Eat. Pray. Love. is still a lousy

Corpse Bride felt thin to me. I think Big Fish is about right.