
Oh. Damn. Thank you for finding the thing that really gets under my skin about “Be best.” 

My hubs and I just snuggle spoon for a bit with one of the blankets draped over the other. We’re warm in 5 minutes, the snuggling is nice for 40 minutes or an hour, and when we’re done, we easily detangle back into separate blanket-balls.

There are a lot of parallels in entertainment. We have a long, multi-cultural tradition of elevating folks like this and then looking the other way. There are more terrible stories about girls under 15 in the entertainment industry than any one person can keep track of.

I leave the DND sign on my hotel room my whole stay, since I’m usually travelling to an event with equipment I’d just prefer not to be messed with (and contrary to the callers in the article, I’m frankly relieved to see just my own mess). Since I usually don’t receive any cleaning the 2-4 nights I’m there, these tips

And who she is is genuinely malicious. Awful stuff. 

Woody Allen married Soon-Yi at about the time I was developing my taste in films, and I just can’t not see him as a predator in like every single one of his works. Sleepers is like the only one where his character doesn’t hold all the advantage at every moment.

Sorry I missed this; I’m so bad at seeing the little blue icon at the top.
I think you’re right. I think there’s definitely a societal place for incarceration for crimes that affect thousands, millions, and billions of people.

Yeah, Bronxville is definitely downstate. It neighbors Yonkers.

It’s also a super expensive place to live. I’m not surprised (but still really, really sorry, especially for the sake of these poor kids) to hear about this kind of privileged white insensitivity happening there. 

That worries me so much for these girls. I’d already seen several clips before I heard R Kelly was in the room with them, and I just felt so afraid for them. Thank you for bringing it to the front of my mind again. I almost let myself forget. 

This ONE time, lol.

Though, it is somewhat reassuring that I can’t imagine he’d have an easy time having a quiet meal out. His face is so well-known and he’s so thoroughly detested. He’s probably actually safer in prison. 

What a great website! I hope more communities will follow their lead. Recycling seems to be pretty confusing almost everywhere.

Try citrus around the house some time. 

Try citrus around the house some time. 

Restaurants definitely call the cops on folks sleeping in cars in their lots. My hubs and I once fell asleep in the parking lot eating McDonald’s super late on the way home from a long trip. We woke up to cops banging on the window, though they definitely weren’t about to shoot my white ass by a long shot and they

Take the Spanx off, Janeane. Nothing good happens in a vacuum.

Judge has the first billed credit for screenplay on Idiocracy; you can bet your pants he made it his baby. 

My understanding, having some reenactor friends, is that it’s about half and half on that. It’s probably a bit more of a gradation than that, but current politics has apparently created some interesting divides among the regiments.

Thank you for this. My facebook feed needs this. And thank you for the way you handle asshats with grace.

I’ve been eyeing raft! I’m kind of impressed that you got that from asking me things like if I like cilantro. This weekend, I’ll be playing Oxygen Not Included, though. Just once, I’d like them to live long enough to mess with some of the newer updates, lol.

Sorry for however you directly know these things, too (it’s not usually just from a book, after all), and that it took me over a month to see your reply.

And not one of those Pizzagate won’t-somebody-think-of-the-children fuckers gives a damn about all these kids literally endangered by our own government. Please keep beating this drum. My heart breaks for these kids and their families.