
This is more or less correct. After a death, anything the police has is evidence and will only be turned over to the family when it is no longer evidence. After my brother’s death, we had to wait months for them to return the items of his they took possession of at the time they came to clear the scene (which of

Zuck has clearly spent the past week (at least) with lawyers preparing for this. On the other hand some of our reps don’t seem to have spent even an hour with interns on prep.

That’s horrible and disgusting. I really, really hope poor Rowe is okay. Contaminating somebody’s stuff with bio-hazards has serious freaking consequences. People have lost teeth and parts of their jaw from having nasty people do that kind of stuff with their toothbrush; it’s not just a prank. I hope she wasn’t

That’s not blanketly true or Court TV would never have existed to grow up into Tru. And there wouldn’t be 10,000 photos of Lindsay Lohan in court. It’s generally at the discretion of the judge. I’m sure that Shkreli behaves considerably better when there aren’t press or cameras.

Orson Scott Card got me bad, too. I couldn’t reconcile what I’d taken from Speaker For The Dead trilogy with him treating gay people like some kind of varelse. Upon rereading, a lot of his beliefs get really obvious, except for that original quartet. He must’ve had a good editor.

I ate the poison and washed my clothes in the candy. Now my clothes are sticky and I feel bad.

The world is watching and we can tell you both have tiny buttons where it counts.

There’s a tweet I wish I could find that sums the witch hunt shit up perfectly. It goes something like this:

Glad you did explain. Good to have a little more context for her than Putin’s gf.

Your grandma is an absolute treasure. Thank you for sharing her with us today. I feel better, too, just knowing that other people who have perspective I can’t know this is bad. I hope she’s right about there being enough politicians with self-preservation instincts to stop hands at the button.

Of course this happens while profiles full of photos of graphic sex acts are free to spam request us all without any response after being reported. They need to establish some clear fucking guidelines and enforce them uniformly. They suck at this so hard; they’ve always sucked at this.

This was a really nuanced response. Thanks for bringing it to my view.

I still don’t know how he pulled his career out of the dumpster fire that was the two government standstills he worked so hard to make a reality. If he pulls himself out of this somehow, I think my head may implode.

Raised by some pretty hardcore right-wingers who got swept up with Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, I was much the same in my late teens and early 20's. I’m glad, looking back now, that I was loud, though. As cringeworthy as it was, it at least forced me into contact and conversations with people with opposing views and

I’m sooo so afraid that that is the exact plan behind the curtain.

No, call their local office! Letters all get scanned, sorted, and form letter replies. Phone calls make them stop what they’re doing to answer.

I forgot about so much of that! Thanks for the succinct reminders!

Where do I send donations to contribute to the cost of the risky never-performed-before medical procedure that will give it to one of us?

*shrugs* That’s it, the man has become my perpetually buzzed asshole grandfather. He won’t join the rest of us on the Internet and he’s squandered all the good will from the bad thing in his past (9/11 in Giuliani’s case, my dad’s death in my grandfathers) because he’s too busy yelling rude/not sane things at/about

And like there’s nothing that these do that wouldn’t be done better by two stitches and a piece of ribbon (which comes in a lot of awesome prints these days, too.)