
That’s because it’s literally a direct sequel that picks up right where the previous game left off.  

Representation is progress and you don’t get to tell the people being represented it isn’t.

Okay let’s just not enjoy anything ever anymore.

Nobody saw this shortage coming. And you can’t just “delay” a console launch planned years in advance with every company in the chain (game devs, manufacturers, retailers, etc.), let alone change its specs. Both consoles needed a refresh anyway, since many games were held back by the necessity to run on 2013 hardware.

“How many computers do you think we should get for our crypto-mining operation??

“I dunno, a thousand?”

“That’s great. But what if we got a thousand. And then added another.....69?”


Obviously everyone has their own personal value system and who I am to judge what you deem worth your money, but I can’t help but think you might be missing out on an intentional aspect of the game.

I mean, if anyone knows about involuntary celibacy it would be you. 

Never let facts get in the way of a good outrage article. 

“Imagine if she’d joined the Army? It was segregated until 1948.”

She shouldn’t have to respond to this. It’s very likely she had zero awareness of the organization’s racist past when this happened (twenty goddamn years ago); she shouldn’t have to apologize for something she had no knowledge of.

Yeah, I’d reckon most pageants in the South and Midwest have racist as hell roots. But I’m not going to blame kids and socially-obligated young adults for participating in something that lost its racist overtones decades ago.

How would I know that? A quick Google image search shows at a few scattered BIPOC have been involved in recent years, but I have no idea when they actually started to make inroads. It’s a shitty organization either way. I’m not defending it. Just pointing out that there’s a difference between “Future celebrity

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that someone who was crowned “most fuckable of her barely legal peers” by a bunch of old men was probably not thinking hard about any of the implications involved. 

I’m really confused here as if the parents wealth was never a secret, what is a real revelation here? That Kemper won a creepy sounding pageant when she was pretty young? Also yeah, she was 19 then, but apparently grew up in a sheltered environment and might not have been able to make certain connections about things

The Atlantic reported in 2014 that the Veiled Prophet Organization barred Black and Jewish people from joining.

So she entered a pageant and/or attended some weird debutante event. Is there any indication that she was aware it had a racist history? It may be hard for some on here to believe, but googling the damn thing wasn’t an option in 1999.

A “Game Hole!”

well, what would you call it?

The garage?? Hey fellas, the garage! Well ooh la de da Mr. French Game Developer!