Man, Peach's boobs are going to look fantastic in this game.
Man, Peach's boobs are going to look fantastic in this game.
He's such a super nice guy, too. Wherever he is, he's always willing to meet with fans and take pictures and junk. He even let me be in one of his videos!
My god; it's the future of Gifs!
You're a butt.
That sounds awesome, though.
Probably because they can use it for BOTH systems. They can get the public acquainted with it on the system they already own, then show off its improved functionality with the next system; kind of like what they're likely doing with Kinect.
Jimmy Fallon is terrible. It's like if my grandfather decided to try and explain video games to people.
Because of the presence that video games have on his show, I always pegged Jimmy Fallon as an actual gamer. However, after seeing him try to wrangle dual analog sticks in his Halo 4 demo, I believe I have been proven wrong.
Then what's the point?!
Slightly off topic, but over the last couple of years Autodesk has been displaying new software that will alter how animators interact with game creation called "Skyline". A few months ago, they demoed it at ECGC running in Unreal Engine 3. It allows animators to repair, adjust, and replace in-game animations in real…
Each is showing off really, REALLY different settings. I like what I'm seeing in particles from both of them, along with lighting; however, SE is showing off great texturing and sub-surface scattering on human skin along with great textured environments, while Unreal is displaying it's new destruction tech, parallax…
Your comment gave me a hernia.
That's the joke!
I don't remember anything about that, but I don't remember much. Seems like in 4, 5, and 6 it'll play a big role.
A few months ago, I was reading a thread here on Kotaku where some people were discussing how maybe Halo 4 was about Cortana deteriorating, since she's been in service about eight years and AIs begin to deteriorate after 7. I think it's pretty cool that they were right, and it could add interesting new depth to the…
Man, I really love the ads they put on the Figueroa; last year was Skyrim, wasn't it? Too bad I'm just not as excited for Elder Scrolls Online...
OH MAN NO WAY. Were we sitting together? Maybe I'm Randy Pitchford? Maybe we're ALL Randy Pitchford. Or maybe we were in two different places.