Oh no, I'm certain that you're right. Judgy, he is.
Oh no, I'm certain that you're right. Judgy, he is.
I think it honestly has a lot of potential. I was expecting it to feel floaty and imprecise, but it felt quick and responsive. Very pretty, too. I did hit a bug or two (some weird clipping issues) but nothing that couldn't be cleaned up. I'm definitely willing to take a chance on it.
Aw man, I just started watching that. :(
I played it last year at E3 in a closed door demonstration. I'm not saying Blucid did (he very well may be talking out of his ass), but it's possible.
In all fairness, while they mentioned the Cotton Candy, it wasn't one of the ones the article was about.
This might be the best one yet! I've played everything except for Bastion and Amnesia, and this is the perfect opportunity! Thanks, Kotaku!
That was a joke.
Aw, but if it's a prequel then they wouldn't have met Cole yet. :(
In all fairness, one of the PS2's best games (God of War 2) came out a year after the PS3 released. Sometimes these things happen. Plus, considering the 360's large current install base, it would sell a LOT better on the 360 than whatever next gen console is to come.
It COULD be the short-haired Prescott. However, I'm more inclined to agree with you.
It's exactly like Fracture; an interesting gimmick that becomes un-fun within a few hours. I never finished Fracture, not because it was bad, but because it just wasn't very exciting or interesting. When I tried Inversion last year, it was the same thing, only buggier (though it still had a year until release). I…
But it's not even Mojang working on it; it's 4J, a studio hired SOLELY for the 360 version. Why do you think it's a waste of time? Everyone's making more money, Mojang is still working on the PC version while a different studio handles the port, and 360 owners now have their own version with split screen and decent…
I don't know how different this version is, but the one I held at last years E3 was astoundingly comfortable.
I'm convinced that the 26th is a lot more popular than this chart implies.
I'm on the 26th! I know THREE people who share my birthday though, so I'm not so special.
He means that they said the second fastest was 300 Mbps, but his is 150 more than that. DID YOU READ THE ARTICLE?! HUH?!!?!
I get it now! Science is the answer!
FORKSICKLES. I just got my mom a Fire for Mothers Day! Shhhhhhhhhit. Lame.
We haven't exactly been finding dragon or tooth fairy skeletons, have we?
Yeah, who wants to go see Skyline 2?