
Everyone I know is always shitting all over this movie saying it's the dumbest thing ever, but I couldn't be more excited to see it. It looks like a shit-ton of bad-assness.

You care enough to LIE RIGHT TO MY FACE.

My point was that the picture on the phone had no effects, but neither did the cat sitting there. It was like they forgot to do a pass on the whole scene.

No, man. Christ. When did I say the cat was painted?

Why on earth would they do that on purpose? The ACTUAL cat didn't have effects on it either, at least leading up to the shock. Seems counter-productive.

25 year old fan, standing by.

I think it really depends on the one you go to. It's not so much that ALL Wendy's are shit, but some of the badly maintained and poorly managed ones. Within a mile of my apartment is a really nice Wendy's and one where I can only assume skeletons procreate. Same with Taco Bell. I mean yeah, the contents of the food in

In all fairness, what if he was dating someone who freaked out when the status came up? It could cause problems with his relationships. In fact, some of his friends COULD be homophobic and it could create problems. It's a little different than being called something that's immediately apparent to be untrue (like hair

Hey, I have a big head, and I resent your comment!

Looks pretty low-poly to me.

You know, after Kotaku's story about who was bullying who ([]) I decided to look at the whole debacle as a moral gray area, where Christoforo was being a douche but Mike took things too far. There was no good or evil, only a bunch of shitty shit.

Maybe a whole bunch of Gizmodo-ers are just inherently ugly. (Like me.)

EXCELLENT! One of the best comics I've seen all week.

I even drew this little picture of him!

Either you're a copycat (you copycat), or you and I just coincidentally used the same expression only two comments apart. I have my suspicions.

Har har har. I knew this was going to happen, but I posted anyway.

If we're just going by overall reviews, Mass Effect 3 has a 93 average on Metacritic, Raccoon City has a 54, and Ninja Gaiden 3 has a 58. I, however, don't typically use reviews and like to judge for myself. Mass Effect is great and tons of fun (ending be damned), the other two are garbage that bring shame to their

A decent Xbox 360 deal includes one good game and TWO AWFUL ONES.

"pieced the hall".

"compared to large animals like humans and horses"