
My father's Farmville? Farmville came out two years after Unreal Tournament 3; plus, my father hasn't even played it! WHO ARE THEY TALKING TO?!

Hellhog is in the building, telling it like it is!

Man, I've worked with mo-cap and junk before, and this is pretty top of the line. IN-ENGINE running on a PS3. That's impressive. Plus, there's genuine emotion here, which you usually don't see in tech demos. No boobs, though. That's -1.

I'm glad someone with a star showed up to dish out the hurt. You're like a superhero.

But you didn't say they haven't made any games that you ENJOYED, you said they haven't made any GOOD games! You attempted to state fact, not opinion. YOU LOSE GOOD DAY SIR.

Fun fact: That guy in the back seat is married to Christina Hendricks. That broke my heart when I found out.

Man, I love ThinkGeek. They show me so many amazing products. Unfortunately, most of what I see that I like I can find on Amazon for cheaper with free shipping. I still buy from ThinkGeek every once in a while because I love them, but they're more like an Amazon catalog for me.

I booted up my Commodore 64 the other day and was all "LOL WAT".

Yeah, my mistake.

I'm sorry, while this article is solely about the chip, I thought you were referencing the new iPad as a whole. My mistake.

"March 7th is the odds-on favorite date for the iPad 3 announcement, and you definitely want to get your iPad 2 sold before then."

You mean like no better camera? No better display? No 4G? C'mon, man.

Why don't you LOSERS stop playing games and GET A JOB? And while you're at it, what have model trains ever done for you? GET A FUCKING JOB. And hey you lazy piece of shit, I bet you enjoy throwing the football with friends in the park, don't yo- GET A GODDAMN JOB.

It originally was, but development trouble caused them to break it down into something simpler. I'm glad for the change; I've got enough recent AAA titles crowding up my shelf.


Mr. Despair is correct; it is an Xbox LIVE/PSN title.

It has been my dream for a long time to punch that kid in the face.

Hey, buddy. Mario Kart is timeless and can always be referenced.

It's weird how my brain can't justify dropping $350 to upgrade my tablet, but it's okay with buying lots of video games.

Congratulations then! After consuming enough Taco Bell to permanently scar my bowels for life, I have not won one, and doubt that I will. That's okay though, because I'll still have something to remember the contest by: a series of painful surgeries to remove part of my large intestine and replace it with a dryer hose.