
Why is it a picture instead of a video? I feel like this has happened before.

Type-O. Is that your blood type?

I think if we were to look at more than their psyches there would be a mountain of unpleasantness for others to frown on.

If you find it, let me know. I'm still looking.

I admit, when I saw his first video posted on Kotaku a few months ago (about Diablo III), I wasn't sure myself. I kind of wish Tina had made a point of it in the article. There's a lot of hate here.

Then I no longer feel bad about stealing it from you. Now, it is mine.

That is an excellent chart and an excellent point. I foresee me using this myself in future comments or posts. Now son, I in all honesty doubt that I will remember to credit you, but just know that deep down, you're the reason this message spreads. Even if I get future credit.

Francis is, in fact, a character. It's a parody video about everyone getting up in arms about this Day 1 DLC thing. There are a lot of insulting comments about him here (no life, fat, disgusting, etc.) that are purely mean-spirited and unwarranted.

Doesn't he though? Strange that I seemed to have hearted you and not him, though. Hrm.

Must you complain about something that doesn't affect you in the least?

Definitely keep posting them! I only remember to check a few websites consistently, but every time you post this in the comments I go and re-read all of your comments! Keep up the good work and KEEP REMINDING US!

This week's Legacy Control is the laziest comic I've ever seen in my entire life.

Then we are in agreement on those points.

Face DOWN, son. That's some real talk, you. I'll even do it on the GROUND.

I wake up stiff every morning.

That's the sole reason I want it. My daedric bow rapes faces, and I don't think this one is nearly as powerful... but it's sooooo cooooooooool.

A friendly warning: If you go with Splatterhouse, go in with low expectations. That game disappointed me pretty hard.

I kind of see what you mean, but I have both the PC and Xbox versions and both are great. The PS3 version leaves a lot to be desired, though.

I agree with Batman, but with Skyrim, there's more than enough content in the core game to warrant paying full price. Now I agree that waiting means much more game for less money, but really I think you're just depriving yourself.

I remember seeing something like that. The general consensus seems to be that it's the Bound Bow, which is a Conjuration spell. I needs it.