
My new quest.

I do believe you're right. I've just never come across that, for some reason.

Oops, I feel dumb now. Thanks a bunch.

Typically, googling things like, "COOL WARPY NEAT BOW" doesn't help me out a whole lot, and I didn't think to do it your way. I appreciate your help, though.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to get off topic, but WHAT BOW IS THAT in the screenshot above? It looks SICK, and I've never found anything like that in my 120 hours in Skyrim. Anyone have a clue?

Did he do way instain mother?

My favorite part was where he treated that dude's head like an old Halloween pumpkin.

I plan on buying 200 boxes of these to build a castle around my video game playing space. When I rage, I rip open a box and eat it's heart-like contents. When I'm hungry, I rip open a box and eat it's heart-like contents. It's a universal strategy.

The Adventure list makes several assumptions and has many opinions not shared by the majority, some of which are offensive or irrelevant.

Aww, I think I signed that petition. I dunno, sends me a lot of emails.

It didn't bother me in the demo, so I guess I'm good to go! Thanks!

I don't want this to be in too poor of taste, but can you imagine if the murdered couple's last name was Potter instead of the murderer? How weird would that be?

I used to work for Game Crazy (if you never heard of it, it was a minor Gamestop competitor), and we had to do all of the same sales pitches that Gamestop does. I always hated doing them, and if my manager wasn't around, I'd skip them altogether.

I like you. You've got ideas.

So, if I enjoyed the first one immensely, do you think that means I'll really like this one? I'm kind of in-between on picking it up.

Plus, for most of us, we can buy consoles from Amazon and not have to pay sales tax! That's a 15-20 dollars savings right there!

While a lower price is always great, I don't think this would be enough to lure me away from the Vita.

Shhhh! Do you wanna get cornfielded?! OR BANNED?!

This guy gets it.

This woman lives in my girlfriend's old house. If that's not the damndest thing...