
From what I can tell, if you wanted to import it, it would run you about 300 dollars. I'm not very good at navigating pages in languages I do not understand. If it comes to America, I wonder what kind of price we can expect?

"I'm shocked they didn't use the '360 is lead platform and it would take time to be brought on PS3' lie."


Yeah, here in Raleigh, NC we're at about 70. It's only been below freezing two days this whole winter.

Now playing

Why do you think that the PS3 being more complicated than the 360 is a lie?


Benihana is about to get interesting.

Man, do I love videos of videos. I get to watch them check the volume and everything!

Well, I still like it here. I've voiced my opinion a few times on this matter, as have many others, but Giz seems to have a strong opinionated stance right out the gate. While arguments are grand, most of the Gawker network is famous for banning/moving threads whenever they have a difference of opinion, so it's a line

I'll say. I don't even know what's happening here anymore.

I actually had a friend borrow my copy of Watchmen also, but he dropped it in the toilet. After returning it in dried-toilet-gross condition, I told him it was super not-cool so he agreed to replace it. He brought me a brand new copy a few weeks later. Then I found out that he stole it.

I was on my way to post the same comment. All I've seen about Google on Giz lately is hate-filled articles, when no one I know (and even the majority of commenters) don't seem to care that much about these changes. It's ridiculous and makes me wonder if there's some sort of agenda here.

I have the opposite problem with my fiance. You lucky dog.

Geez, man. Your specs are all over the place.

Dude, I'm in the exact same boat, however I did just finish SR3.

What a jerk.

When I die, just throw me in the trash.

Oh, neat! I should peek back into Zbrush from time to time.

One of the reasons I love Mudbox so much is it works so well with Maya and 3DSMax. I mean Zbrush works fine, but it's a little more complicated than just pressing a button.