It's like a whole different game! I don't like it!
It's like a whole different game! I don't like it!
I KNEW IT. And they're all wearing wigs!
I understand what you mean. I agree that sometimes they just report the news and don't take a side, but there definitely haven't been any posts in FAVOR of it, but have been a few against it. I guess it's more like they LEAN against it than full on oppose it. Sorry for dragging this out as far as it's gone, but it's…
Yeah, that's everyone's reason for not opposing it. I have a lot of respect for those like the I Can Haz Cheeseburger network for giving up a day's revenue to oppose the bill, but at the same time I understand why other companies won't do it.
You mean like the image of the word SOPA with a cackling Mr. Burns in front of it? That seems a little more like opinion. Or this post, [] that quite obviously is fully opposed to SOPA and PIPA. It's obvious that Gawker doesn't support, nor is it impartial to this bill.
Oh, I'm on the complain-train.
It is kind of like my butt is sneezing after a trip to Arbys, so thank you. :)
I have never even tried horsey sauce, mostly because I'm afraid it might be made of horses.
I would be inclined to agree, but this being a blog network and at times OBVIOUSLY opinionated (do you know of any pro-SOPA articles here?), I was wondering if they might be considered an exception to the rule.
The last six times I've gone (I don't know why I keep going back) I've gotten diarrhea (LEGENDARY diarrhea) and had just the worst service ever; not even at the same Arbys, but at a different one each time! Am I the only one?
It was drawn by a disturbed seven year old?
So, WHY isn't Gawker participating in the blackout? Did they ever say? Considering how many anti-SOPA/PIPA posts I've seen, I'm honestly a little surprised that they aren't involved. I understand that most news sites don't take a break, but with this being a blog and all, I figured you guys might jump on board.
Just because someone doesn't like being fucked in the ass, doesn't mean they don't like gay people. IT MEANS THEY DON'T LIKE SHIT (<- LOL) IN THEIR ASS. Not everyone's into that.
That sounds amazing! I guess we Americans are too stupid to like more than three word titles.
Man, even the typography on the Japanese art looks a lot better. The words fit so well with the graphic behind them, and they're not all stupidly embossed like the American one. I don't even like the font. It bums me out. Pooh.
They're trying to toughen it up for us tough-lovin' Americans! We don't like fun or niceness!
Red Faction has been perma-cancelled anyway, due to the slow sales of Armageddon. Ultra-sigh. :(
I agree and understand.
While I know it's more tasteful and blah blah blah, I just don't want it anymore.