
I can't say much for the story, but from what I've played of it it's a lot of fun. It's got a little bit of Gears of War to combat, but I can also see some Vanquish in there. Breaking a robot to pieces with bullets is very satisfying. It was one of the more entertaining games at E3.

I completely agree. Like I said, I'm not trying to justify what they did (and will likely continue to do).

Thank you! It's very nice here.

But guys aren't trying to IMPRESS their male friends in the same way that they try to impress women. Also, more often than not, they're not trying to have sex with their male friends either. It's kind of a different situation.

Oh COME ON! He couldn't even TRY to hit the bar at the end of the level?!

Not to defend the men's actions, but it's more likely that it was a defense mechanism more than anything. No one likes their faults pointed out, so when they do something wrong and admit it, they just hope that you're okay with it and they will still get what they want. When you get legitimately mad about it, all they

Man, I can't imagine using this as a computer monitor. Will Crysis run at that resolution?


I haven't seen it yet, but I went ahead and watched the video anyway. Don't worry though, I already forgot everyone's name and pretty much what happened entirely. It's obvious the video was not made for me (one of the unwashed masses).

Man, you sure are getting a lot of shit for your opinion. Don't worry, I agree with you. If no one ever says they have a problem with things they don't like, then nothing ever changes. You made some excellent points and many Kotakuites agree with you.

I'm glad it was! The way people use "affect" and "effect" alternatively drives me crazy.

Is "effect" supposed to be a pun?


Now playing

This is my very favorite cover of the theme to Skyrim. Now, I may be a little biased towards metal in general, but its pretty fantastic.

Now playing

Investigate this, friend. The true metal version.

Uh, you are missing something because it totes is.


I think it's really good! I hope this one makes it.

Man, PALM REJECTION?! I need this thing. Unfortunately right now it's unlocked on Amazon for 650 bucks. I'm gonna need that thing subsidized before biting the bullet. Thanks for the tip!

Oh ho ho! You so clever. ;)