
The Flyer seems okay, but that Note seems PERFECT! I need to get my hands on one! Thanks!

Copy and Paste is a magical tool.

Poor thing. I feel your pain.


I was holding off on the purchase of an iPad until it could give me something exactly like this. I want it to be like a little digital sketchbook. Guess I can't put it off any longer.

Awesome article. I know Gizmodo's intentions have come into question every once in a while, but considering the amount of Best Buy advertising I've seen on Gawker, I'm glad to see this article was published. Hail Amazon!

Oh, okay. I thought you were saying, "Bethesda's previous game Red Dead Redemption had bugs too! They should have worked it out by now!" And I was all, "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...?"

This. This right here.

Why bring a Red Dead to a Skyrim discussion?

Your case, while unfortunate, is an extreme one not felt by the majority of the community! Still Hooray!

Whoops! Hard to make a decent argument when you don't type out the right name. I do agree that James and Kirk were a good duo... 20 years ago.

I know we're delving into opinion here, but Kirk Hamilton is easily one of the most uninspired, lackluster guitarists I can think of (who ever amounted to anything). Yeah Dave has held a grudge since totally getting screwed by Metallica, but he went on to form a band that I personally like more; sort of continuing the

I think that's for the best.

Space Kraken is right. Carlos Ferro is the voice of Dominic Santiago in Gears of War.

Here's a much larger and awesomer collection of Sonic running like an idiot to peruse.

I was never upset that he wouldn't tell me; I respected him for respecting his company. At the same time, it drove me absolutely crazy.

GODDAMNIT. I've wanted this series to die for so long, and then they decide to put out something I might actually WANT? FUCK!

I have a friend at Naughty Dog who has been teasing me about this for months. He never gave anything away, just said it was, quote, "SUPER FUCKING COOL AND SHIT". I have to say, he wasn't lying.

Or maybe Infinity Blade?

You're still at Kynesgrove? LOL WHATEVER, NOOB.