
I'm an Assassin's Creed NPC LOL.

I don't think that pussy-ass Forsworn spend a lot of time making sure their wording is correct.

Ah, then I'm inclined to agree. The demo was boring as shit and controls poorly. At 10 cents, I'll give it a decent amount of my time. For 7 dollars, I can't say "no" eagerly enough.

I think their "apology card" is shaped like a check.


I dismissed the fact that you didn't realize that new modes were coming, but even if they weren't, 10 cents is a frickin' steal.

I think your character and my character wouldn't get along very well...

Even still, it's just 10 cents for an infinite playground. C'mon.

At least there was fire breath. But still! C'mon! It's the only shout anyone knows!

He couldn't give it ONE Fus Ro Dah? I waited the whole video for it!

I'm guessing you didn't watch the whole video? He landed missed a couple of times early on, but he was stealth killin' like a mofo with it.

Why not recommend something like a Bamboo tablet for an untalented/aspiring artist? Fifty bucks and it's still a thousand times better than a mouse. Cintiqs are really more for professionals.

It's causing me too look into other sites to lurk on as well, but I don't know where to go.

Oh man! Thanks for the tip. Too bad that it's not going to be around much longer. Le sigh.

That is a MAJOR bummer. I can't for the life of me figure out why they're ditching the features people want and adopting ones that we can't stand. Such is the way of Kotaku. :(

Well yeah, I know I could still type it. I just wanted to know why the button that used to perform that function no longer did. I'm guessing it's not just for me, then?

I usually just make Lydia wait at the entrance to places, then if shit gets bad I just run back to her so she'll help me. Sometimes, she'll even come running on her own so long as I'm already detected.

So what happened to the Blog View for the site? It used to be I could just click "Top Stories" and it would change to blog view, but now it just refreshes the Top Stories page. It's weak because any time I click the Kotaku logo to go to the home page, it defaults to Top Stories.

It's from the new Looney Tunes show on Cartoon Network. The animation is hit or miss (and makes me long for the original style), but it's actually pretty funny. Very clever at times. I'd recommend it.

This is where someone has to mention Adventure Time and Regular Show. They just... get it.