Dude, that archer is hardcore. He'd better be careful though; he might accidentally give someone an arrow to the knee.
Dude, that archer is hardcore. He'd better be careful though; he might accidentally give someone an arrow to the knee.
In all fairness, whether you believe in the bible or not, it's still a book partially written over 2000 years ago that described rules of war. There may be some truth in it.
I think the idea of *SPAILOR ALURD* fighting and capturing a dragon on the deck of Dragonreach was mega-awesome. I know if someone had told me, I would have been sad that my first exposure to it had not been first hand.
Though I'm already past this, I concur that a *SPOILER ALERT* is in order; just out of respect for your fellow man.
It's a side-scrolly Minecraft. Look into it; it's pretty cool.
Never played DS3, but I know KotOR II very well, and it was pretty goddamn buggy. Not to mention the ending was a confusing mess; it was like I hadn't played half of the game!
While this premise kind of excites me, the fact that Obsidian is developing makes me wary. I mean, have they ever released a game NOT filled to the brim with bugs?
While it's pretty decent, I imagine with heavy gaming 10 hours will drop to just a few, easy.
Our goals are so similar! Are there more like us?
Dubbed cartoons always look so weird.
The article at Gamer Fit Nation was one of the most poorly written pieces I've ever seen. The guy has no idea how to use proper grammar or punctuation, and "there/they're" is misused often. I can understand a typo here and there, but the whole article is hard to read, and pretty over-opinionated to boot.
I'm sure it doesn't help increase their reader base, but 17 pages for one article more than makes up for it.
I think it would have been interesting if she wasn't actually pregnant at all, but was actually hoarding merchandise in a large, jelly-like capsule under her shirt. Then maybe the person who punched her was trying solely to re-distribute the merchandise in the name of fairness.
Thanks, but I'm obviously going to have to work harder if I wanna make the Dean's List this year.
I was more making fun of the article than what she actually said, because I agree with you. Definitely singling out something that could easily be twisted.
Of course! I never realized that the abomination known as Skyrim was made by Blizzard Entertainment, the wholly EVIL company who has produced heathen entertainment for decades.
But Fox News said that pepper spray is like, food! So it should be closer to that 6.5, right?
Granted, Cyber Monday deals tend to not be nearly as good as Black Friday ones.
At the Walmart I was at last night, things were really interesting. I made friends with everyone anywhere near me while we waited around the video game display for them to remove the plastic wrap.