
All this week in NC it's forecast to be over 100. I can't even stand the walk to my car in the morning.

What about the Netflix and Gamefly slash BACON peddling? I mean, I love Epic Meal Time as much as the NEXT manly man, but that shit gets annoying.

I messed with this at E3, and though it's very effective, it also decreases the readable space for you to stand in.

It's pretty much a fish eye lens. At E3, instead of playing with it, I just kept messing with the peripheral. A good idea, though.

Goddamnit, and now it makes sense in mine. I KNEW that, too! :I

What? In case it came across wrong, I was 12 years old and was stupid. That's what I meant.

I was WebCreator116987. On AOL, anyway. I had no idea what I was doing and was 12.

The NSFW warning doesn't really help when the image displayed in the feed has lady-nips in full view. Just lettin' ya know.

YOU. LEAVE. You leave now!

These are some of the best Photoshop Contest entries I've ever seen here. Props to EVERYONE for such awesome work!

That song is from Epic Meal Time. Now I'm hungry.

How is "bitch" more respectable? Why are you even ON Kotaku? You sure seem embarrassed of video game related things.

Oh ho ho, if you only knew.


I'm not sure what's happening here. I looked to the right and didn't see anything.

I'll pour out a drink in your honor.

Everything looks so awesome. I can't believe I'm actually going this year! Drinks for everyone!

Agh! I didn't consider a lot of this. My flight leaves Sunday, and I'd better make sure I'm better prepared than I am right now. This is my very first E3, and I'd better make sure to do it right. Are there any MAJOR parties that are open to industry folk and not just press?

No, not Chloroform! Now I'll feel bad whenever I use it!