That's three things.
That's three things.
I'm 24 and don't remember this. Was this before my time?
I am going to E3 this year. This is my very first year going to the event, and I'm terribly excited. Does anyone who has been before have any tips or suggestions on what a professional should partake in during this event? I've signed up for a few parties, but nothing major. What else should I do?
Uh, I like TO squirt. Where do I go?
One step closer to becoming Cole from Infamous.
What happens if you use MenuUninstaller... on itself?
That... was.... unimpressive. :(
Gameplay graphics, I guess.
Have you ever played Pokemon Snap on the N64?
"Now, I don't wanna sound like a queer or nuthin', but I think unicorns KICK ASS!"
I love at the end where instead of doing the end-level theme, they just do Woody Woodpecker's catchphrase.
I like you.
My argument wasn't AGAINST PC gaming, just for why many are turned off by the idea of it. I have consoles and a beastly PC, and I love them both. I truly do.
That video isn't LA Noire. Even still, what LA Noire does is have actors act with the subtleties of their facial and neck movements represented more realistically. What you posted is a creepy robot-man with lifeless eyes and a stiff face. I realize that it's older tech, but still.
That's just a subsidized version with ads. The regular one is still $129.
So, let's say your graphics card somehow will stay on top for 5 years. SOMEHOW. So you spend around 500 for a 5 year lifespan.
Dude, that looks AWFUL.
Freddie Wong didn't do anything on this. They just stole his hidden message thing.
OH SNAP, SON! I can finally use the PS3 I bought two weeks ago!