
Oh god, I know.

Ew, who's fucking babies?

It seems like most weeks you spend your time hatin' on the comics. Why do you even look at them?

I like the idea of having a screen in the palm of my hand, so long as it's just used for managing inventory or something. The idea kind of reminds me of VMUs...

Did you even read the TITLE of the article before you decided to comment?

It's disgusting. The actual burrito is just filled with soggy Fritos.

You know, that's something I've never considered before, but it makes a lot of sense. Thanks for opening my mind up just a little bit more!

Does the explosion sound off to anyone else? I swear it sounds like someone just dropped in a sound effect.

At this point, I gave my opponent the option to walk away; no debts, no problems, just an escape. Thank god he took it. I was outta bullets.

Let's hope this masterpiece doesn't find its way into the hands of inner city youth.

Oh number 13, so relevant.

I mean, yeah it's sad, but he was 110. I think by the time I'm 110, I'm ready to go (and that's without the baggage of a horrific war under my belt).

I think this will be an Uncharted movie like I look at Pandorum as a Dead Space movie: Eerily familiar but just plain wrong.

Whose blog is this, and how is this proof?!

Honestly, the worst part is that it's NOT GOOD. It's slow, boring, and ugly. Angry Birds has a snappiness to it, the birds have weight and the physics (for the most part) makes sense. Is Fishcraft played on the fucking MOON?! Everything is so floaty and slow, and unnecessarily small. I don't mind games that are

HAH! I actually bought an Atari with a couple dozen games this past weekend (mainly because it included the ultra-rare Swordquest: Waterworld), and this game was in it. When testing all of the games out, I admit I played this for probably about 20 minutes, and the obscenities I uttered were many and tightly-knit.

There's no need to be a dick about it. It's all just theory, really. Do you have paperwork, quotes, insider information to back up your claim? Geez, calm down.

"The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of [sexual] scenes in video games."

@Tapewormz: I've looked dozens of times, but to no avail. I've given up.

@PSWii2008: Amazon has it listed as 99.99, but their pre-order price is around 70.