
@boopadoo: That thing is quite hard to find. I can't really find it for less than sixty bucks, now. Lucky you.

So, I'm already on my third run through on Dead Space 2, and I've finally decided to tackle the dreaded "Hardcore" mode. Has anyone actually beaten it yet? Is it actually HARDER than Zealot, or is there just less ammo and health? I's scared.

1, 5, 11, and 19 were all awesome, but number 12 was just incredible. I mean, who has EVER done a Bad Dudes reference?

I don't know. For the longest time I struggled to see a difference between buying a used game and, say, buying a used car.

@Phaz: But PC users have PLAYED Crysis, and know all about it. There are plenty of console gamers who need to be convinced to purchase the sequel to a game they haven't and CANNOT play.

Looks like he found his lawyer in the same place they found Ted Williams.

@electricworry: Actually, Nuclear Power is carbon-free. But it does kind of make up for it with nuclear waste.

@bowen13: Awesome story and characters, but it's harder to play today since it lacks some advances that newer games have (like a fast travel system).

@Fillup J. Fry: And did he get it before his brand spankin' new 360?

@lemke ☠☠☠: It's an issue of respect. The viewing and funeral are for the family more than the deceased: a final chance to say goodbye and be at peace. That man stealing from a dead kid's coffin is HUGELY disrespectful to the family, who's memory of their sons passing is made worse by the crime of another human being.

@comodidit: Ironic that you commented twice on a spam comment with the same tags. Or does that do something?

@Drogmir: It says "Spoilers way on!" in the first paragraph of the post. That's why it's there.

@GamerKT: Now you're just getting into semantics.

@Chatboy91: For me, the flashback confirmed it because of the dual identity discs that no one else seemed to have. There was still a LITTLE bit of suspense though...

I remember getting wasted and trying to finish a playthrough of Super Mario RPG a few months ago (there were other people there, just doing other things). I (somehow) got a part where you had to solve riddles and stuff, and I had to count a certain number of barrels. That was the SINGLE HARDEST MOMENT of my ENTIRE

@mowan259: I forgot all about that! Damn right. It's not like this beta is being placed on "Hour of Victory" or some shit. Chances are Bulletstorm will kick (scratch, maim, and obliterate) ass!

@RayKinStL: Yeah, but this kind of shit has been around for years. Luckily for me, I AM interested in Bulletstorm, so the purchase was going to happen anyway. However, being a new IP, not as many people are going to be looking forward to it. A little extra incentive never hurt.

@glottis8: Throw that shit into 1900 x 1080!

Oh shit, like I need another reason to buy this game.

@RayKinStL: Vote with your dollar, dude. As long as people pay for it, they'll keep doing it.