
Is it? Every time I play (on Xbox One) it works like a charm.

... except that one year, when he WON YOU A CHAMPIONSHIP. #sheesh

Piss off, fool.

But the cloud.

The Elantra has made good progress from being a Boring crap sedan to Meh to Holy Moly that looks stunning and doesn't drive half bad either

I just wanted to say I love your username, I wish I had thought of that. That is all.

Any hint of what some of the fine print involved? Curious.

-26 degrees in North Dakota, -60 wind chill. Not sure why I live here.

That's odd, too, when you consider he's from Oklahoma. I figure it's all "landscape" out there.

Can DDos still be considered hacking anymore?

SHIELDS: You okay, man?

To be fair to Brandon Weeden, he's had quite a few girlfriends in his 50+ years on this planet.

I thought that meant you needed to put air in your tires.

Come here, my little monkey!
My little bear, oh, will you stop it? You're just crazy.

But this is better.

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The outrage is understandable given Croatia's chequered history.