
-Character lighting appears to be darker, except on their skin

I just... it’s so... I love it... but... :’(

I understood this and don’t even frequent Jezebel. Hoorah!


$12.11 is how much more additional he would have needed to reach the even 20%, though. I can maths, give me some credit. :)



Wat? I’ve seen Gawker Media posts. Sure, they’re often times discredited for being that, but they still get posted.

If the entire point is to kill people we could have a war and at least depose a tyrant or two.

Not all. I think some could, but not everything

What a shithead. I hate people.

I’ve had a couple of crashes in first 5 hours, but generally can’t complain. Not sure if it may be because I’m pushing my computer a bit. Fortunately saving frequently enough. Otherwise, so far, so good.

TU250, kind of! CB1100 are nice and all, but expensive as anything.

I hate the Repsol livery 250s. It just seems unnecessary. :| To each their own, as always, though.

Ah, yes, the quality we have all come to expect from Penguins fans.

Seriously? I don’t think there are many other car modifications that are done so explicitly to piss people off.

But he deals with factsonly.

The only use of “hock” from my childhood was “hock a loogie,” because I grew up with disgusting people that would basically cough up and spit out boogers.

Hock. Googling “define: hock” confirms second definition is “an informal term for ‘pawn.’”

Purple Haze was my introduction to Abita, and I feel like you're right... nothing else has really stood out from their lineup, from what I've had so far.

The fuck does he have against fuses and wires? It’s like some sort of vendetta.