
Fuck off and do your own work, kid. Your future isn't very bright if you can't handle a simple school project.

You're a dick.

Call me an idiot, but I hate Whole Foods. This hatred started long before Whole Foods, at a place in the SW called Wild Oats.

If you're wondering why Deion would dress like that around the house, it's because his ex was a big fan of a three-piece suit, more specifically; slander, libel and defamation.

So. Many. Questions.

Of all the things that could go wrong while drag racing, blowing a front tire is the most perplexing...

Anyone doing this is just spiteful. The $20 for 2 grams was funny, this was just awful.


I'm so embarrassed for them.

That's just embarassing.





you know, in retrospect, posting the troll face with this ended up being frighteningly accurate.

That's cute (and typical) a french guy giving up and running away.

He's from Quebec, don't confuse that with Canadian.

Dont you hate it when YouTubers make their way to our corner of the internet?