The best thing to do to resist a corporatist coup led by a buffoonish fascist who determines policy by which of his insecurities is plaguing him at that particular second is relitigating a party primary from half a year ago!
The best thing to do to resist a corporatist coup led by a buffoonish fascist who determines policy by which of his insecurities is plaguing him at that particular second is relitigating a party primary from half a year ago!
2018 elections the Repulicans will get the majority needed to call a constitutional convention and California + New England will try to seceded.
I already do this so I don’t really care about the article, but thank you for that syrup analogy because it reminded me I’ve been planning on making pancakes for days now but keep forgetting.
I feel like no one even reading this is the most appropriate thing to have ever happened. I’ll be killing myself tonight I think.
Reading this was pretty strange, because I just came to the conclusion that I’m going to be completely alone for the rest of my life. You made it clear that people like you still have friends and maybe a pet, but I’m pretty much done trying to get close with anyone at all. I grew up with a terribly abusive mother who…
Yeah let’s just bend over and let fascism take over in the name of peace! Good idea!!!
Hard work pays off
It really is cool how the fandom instantaneously infantilizes women of color
Donald Trump - secret TF2 fan????
I knew Blizzard would have this problem in the first patch after it was released. McCree was genuinely overwhelming, he was pretty much unassailable in a 1v1 at close range. If he got near you, you were dead. But they didn’t do a “minor tweak”, they knocked almost half the damage off one of his most important…
Fucking a it got on its back legs and is probably a fire/fighting. I’m not buying it :/
Wasn’t the first miracle winning a playoff game?
I’m an Eagles fan that went through the Great Lie of Bradford last year. He’s going to get hurt, it’s going to kill your team, and there’s nothing you can do about. I’m sorry.
Blizzard has systematically nerfed every DPS character in the game since it was released because of how ‘cancer’ they were. Now the community is stunned that tanks are the best class.
This is the exact opposite of how it should be. I’m going to take the time to make your sorry ass not die, you better respect me
Get an editor
Klu former Fredric
whats a home run?
This is when you build a 25 foot high spite fence to solve the problem.