
This just a case of two guys hitting each other. If they would have gone up and high pointed it, like coaches teach, and not tried to cradle the ball, then there would have been no bounce. There are way more completions on hail mary's because the defense plays volleyball with the football, than completions because

If you are at work, than you can't use those words. Period. It doesn't matter who it is or who you are talking to. If it is overheard by someone, than you are in violation. Now it's always up to the discretion of management what the punishment should be. If it seems like a minor first time infraction, than I would

There's a huge difference between what you say in a public forum and what you say in private. My workplace has a zero tolerence policy for racial, sexist, or homophobic terms. It doesn't matter if the person was offended or not. Every now and again I have to write people up for saying nigga, bitch, or fag. These words

I'm familiar with the banana throwing practice in Europe, and I think you can agree that the derogatory part is not the fruit itself, but the insinuation that black people are monkeys. That's the degrading part. Just like throwing money at Jews was thing because of the insinuation of greed. The KFC and Kool-Aid is

That's racist not because of the food, but because of the insinuation that black people are all poor. Those foods are eaten by all kinds of people, but the racist part is about the food stamps...

I always thought the food stereotypes aren't really racist jokes, just bad jokes. To me, to be racist it needs to be derogatory. Cooking with peanut oil isn't really degrading. When somebody does a Hispanic theme, I always see them decorate with peppers and jalapenos. I don't really see that as degrading. It's just

It's a shame I keep hearing people say steroids/alcoholism, but if his family said that it was caused by complications to a liver transplant that was necessitated by a past gall bladder issue, I would be very inclined to believe them. Disease of the biliary tract can easily cause cirrhosis. If the bile in your liver

And I will still continue to not use condoms.

So in the DFL is licking your own balls a penalty, like in the WNBA?

I've liked the NFL coverage so far on fs1. Curt menefee is a pretty good host, and Rhonde barber is the anti Tiki. I thought it was funny when he said he used to walk down the street in NY wearing a Tiki jersey.

Is that the one where you get those worts that won't go away?

Why should the NCAA have the ability to form a trust for 30 year old men? Any money paid out should be paid directly to the players, just like players in Madden.

The main issue is not that players or coaches don't know what a proper tackle looks like, it's the fact that contact and tackling has been weeded out of regular practice time. NFL players only have 15 padded practices during the regular season and there are no longer two a days with padded practices in the nfl either.

Somebody needs to introduce these kids to masturbation.

It's clearly stated in the constitution dickwad.

I think it's official title is "The Channel That Couldn't Slow Down".

The talent level of ESPN is debatable. I think if FOX could get more out of their NFL cast, then I would watch it more than ESPN. Aikman, Howie Long, Jimmy Johnson, Strahan, and Darryl Johnston give quality NFL insight. ESPN just recycles the same stories. Linda Cohn, Boomer, and Stuart Scott are way past their

I'm going to at least give it a chance. How much worse could it be than ESPN?

Your move, TV Azteca...

People who propose via Facebook are the worst.