I always assumed everything was marked up and the 20% off coupons brought it down to the price they wanted to sell for while making you think you were getting a good deal.
If your vagina is free of actual medical problems, there’s nothing wrong with it. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking shithead.
It’s almost as if using sex for short-term physical pleasure seeking - instead of a unifying act based in a committed, loving relationship - is somehow unfulfilling
I draw faces on my hand and practice making out with it. Working my way up to the French style.
Anyone seen Flight of the Living Dead? It was pretty entertaining for the budget-bin movie that it was.
Back in the day we pretended to slaughters godless savages in the name of manifest destiny, like God intended.
Is there anyone who is actually surprised by this? I mean, seriously.
The practical work is always going to look like excellent practical work. The CGI started to date as soon as the edit was committed.
I also hate summer, and spring, and winter, in addition to fall.
no one wants to watch a handjob. i don’t even really want to receive one.
Why....why did you link the video to show us everything after the trailer?
An oldie, but a goodie. The face surgery scene in Eyes Without a Face. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it was one of the first really gory scenes to be played out so slowly and methodically on film.
Yeah, but does it work on water?
Were all of these dumpees completely blindsided by the break, or did they see it coming? Was that touched upon at all?
I have no tears to shed for lying cheats.
It’s the Criterion people, making the most exclusive bluray set ever.
So, you have Down’s Syndrome or Williams Syndrome or what?